2-Jun-2014 - LNG players form North American pact
LNG America and Liquiline have joined forces to develop opportunities in liquified natural gas (LNG) marine fuel markets in North America... Read More (Bunkerworld, subscription required) READ MORE >
4-Jun-2014 - Ship Operators Propose Drones to Hunt Sulfur Scofflaws
The world’s biggest shipping companies will call on authorities to deploy drones in enforcing new pollution controls that may tempt competitors to use cheaper, dirtier fuel and undercut price... READ MORE >
24-Jun-2014 - After oil, natural gas may be next on North American rails
NEW YORK — As politicians debate the dangers of a massive increase in oil carried by rail in North America, railroads and energy producers are considering the same for natural gas. Buoyed by ... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2014 - LNG bunkering being developed for the US by LNG America
LNG’s longstanding ‘chicken and egg’ conundrum may be at an end as the very first US LNG bunkering vessels are in sight. These barges, ordered by LNG America, aim to meet the firs... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2014 - United States: Fill ‘er Up With Gas: The Advent Of LNG As Bunker Fuel
Market, regulatory, and technological developments are acting in concert to accelerate the development of a liquefied natural gas ("LNG") bunker fuel market. U.S. domestic gas production has reache... READ MORE >
17-Apr-2014 - Rail companies eye LNG-powered engines amid high diesel cost
Electro-Motive Diesel, the world’s largest diesel locomotive manufacturer, has taken delivery of the first of four specially designed liquefied natural gas (LNG) tenders ultimately destined f... READ MORE >
27-May-2014 - BNSF exec sees opportunity’ in switch from diesel to LNG locomotives
BISMARCK – As a North Dakota company prepares to fire up the state’s first production facility for liquefied natural gas, the nation’s largest railroad is pursuing a switch from... READ MORE >
6-Jun-2014 - State fueling shift to LNG as high horsepower fuel
Wyoming and some industry participants are eyeing the use of liquid natural gas, or LNG, to fuel much of the heavy lifting in the state to bring down costs, add value to natural gas and help the en... READ MORE >
30-Jun-2014 - Fathom Spotlight: The Story of LNG as a Marine Fuel
Due to forthcoming Emission Control Areas (ECA) & Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) regulations, the necessity for clean and justifiable propulsion systems for ships is imperative. This... READ MORE >
3-Jul-2014 - ABS has entered into a joint development project for the first LNG fueled drillship.
"Many North American vessel owners and operators are making the switch to LNG to achieve substantial operating savings by reducing fuel consumption and lowering emissions to meet the strict sulfur ... READ MORE >
23-Jul-2014 - GE and Lloyd’s Register Study Gas Turbines for Commercial Ships
GE Marine and Lloyd’s Register report they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to identify potential gas turbine-powered commercial ship projects. GE Marine is one of the world&rs... READ MORE >
30-Jul-2014 - Bureau Veritas Kick-starts LNG Bunkering
Leading international classification society Bureau Veritas has published a comprehensive set of guidelines on LNG Bunkering, with the aim of speeding adoption of LNG as a ship’s fuel by kick... READ MORE >
11-Aug-2014 - Liquiline to build terminal in Denmark for Fjord Linde
Liquiline and Fjord Line are pleased to announce that the two companies have entered into a contract for the construction of a dedicated LNG ship bunkering terminal in Denmark. The terminal will b... READ MORE >
19-Aug-2014 - Rolls-Royce reiterates commitment to LNG bunker fuel
Global power systems manufacturer Rolls-Royce has reiterated its commitment to liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a bunker fuel. "I have long held the view that LNG will be the fuel of th... READ MORE >
22-Aug-2014 - LNG America Hires Engineering Firm for LNG Bunker Barges
LNG America says it has hired cryogenic storage systems maker Taylor-Wharton to handle front-end engineering and design work for the new liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker barge... READ MORE >
4-Sep-2014 - The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) Announces Global Launch
The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) will formally launch at the Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition (SIBCON) on 15 October 2014. SGMF, which exists to promote safet... READ MORE >
26-Aug-2014 - Study Examines ‘Well-to-Hull’ Emissions of ECA Fuel Alternatives
A study released this summer has concluded that using natural gas as a marine propulsion fuel has the upper hand when compared to conventional fuels not just in improving air quality, but in overal... READ MORE >
4-Sep-2014 - Federal Maritime Commissioner Doyle: “Plenty of LNG for Marine Fuel”
If anyone had any doubts about the ongoing availability of LNG as a marine fuel, Federal Maritime Commissioner William P. Doyle laid them to rest today, noting that the U.S. is now the world's larg... READ MORE >
4-Nov-2014 - Total's new boss says Europe must fight US oil export ban
LONDON, Oct 30 (Reuters) - The new head of French energy major Total challenged Europe to fight Washington over the U.S. oil export ban, in his first public appearance since his predecessor Christ... READ MORE >
12-Nov-2014 - China and the US agree on Climate Emissions Reductions... sort of
The United States and China announced an agreement Wednesday that says both countries “intend” to cut carbon emissions in the coming years, but contains no binding language requiring th... READ MORE >
4-Dec-2014 - Saudi Oil Market Fight Shifts to U.S. as Asia Prices Rise
Saudi Arabia’s increase in crude prices for Asia signals the world’s biggest oil exporter is focusing its fight for market share on the U.S. While Saudi Arabian Oil Co. boosted di... READ MORE >
4-Dec-2014 - The Downside Of Lower Oil Prices In The U.S.
Brent Crude oil, arguably the most recognized global benchmark of oil prices, is currently trading at under $70 a barrel and there is a growing likelihood that it could trade lower, or remain near ... READ MORE >
4-Dec-2014 - Google-Owned Solar Company Requests $540 Million Bailout To Help Pay $1.6 Billion Loan
A renewable energy company touted publicly by President Barack Obama which lists Google as an investor is requesting a $539 million federal grant to help pay off part of a $1.6 billion federal loan... READ MORE >
8-Jun-2015 - OPEC holds production targets.
In a move that many have seen as counter intuitive, OPEC once again decides to hold production targets. ............................. OPEC holds oil output target, predicts low prices VIENNA - OP... READ MORE >
8-Jun-2015 - San Diego creates Solar Hotspot...but at what cost.
The State of California has created a robust market for wealthy home owners in San Diego to put solar panels on their roofs.  Three programs funded by tax payers allow those with the means to ... READ MORE >
8-Jun-2015 - Power woes for Long Island...Still.
Oh to have power or not to have power, is that the question or are we really asking to have the ability to make a profit.   ......................... Long Island power play There is a battle... READ MORE >
8-Jun-2015 - And Oil continues it's price slide.
Oil prices are slipping on Monday after gushing up 2 per cent on Friday after Opec maintained its official production target, despite speculation prior to the cartel's latest meeting in Vienna that... READ MORE >
9-Jun-2015 - OPEC continues price war with the US
OPEC Opens the Oil Spigots By Leonid Bershidsk As expected, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed Friday to maintain crude oil production at 30 million barrels a day. In ef... READ MORE >
9-Jun-2015 - Forget the noise: Oil prices won't crash again
Oil rising to $60 a barrel is displeasing some people, particularly the shorts. Some of the more extreme -- those calling for oil in the $20's – have wisely fallen silent. Others, like Goldma... READ MORE >
10-Jun-2015 - Concerns over earthquakes spread to Texas
The connection between wastewater injection wells and an alarming increase in the frequency of earthquakes is getting a lot more scrutiny these days. First was Oklahoma, which has suddenly become ... READ MORE >
10-Jun-2015 - US-Saudi Agreements on the Use of the Oil Weapon
The Evolution Of The Oil Weapon, In the age of derivatives, swaps, and electronic money transfers, a new form of warfare has emerged: financial warfare.  Recently, the US has passed sanct... READ MORE >
11-Jun-2015 - Why This Shale CEO Isn’t Afraid of OPEC or Low Oil Prices
Apache Corp. CEO John Christmann didn’t just get a new job when he took charge of one of the world’s biggest shale producers in the dark days of the oil market crash in January, he sign... READ MORE >
15-Jun-2015 - Canada's New Shale Oil Field Could Rival the Bakken
Canada's energy industry may be most famous for its world-class oil sands resources. But a new shale oil field could surpass the oil sands as Canada's largest untapped oil reserve. In fact, it coul... READ MORE >
15-Jun-2015 - Probably The Biggest Macroeconomic Change Of Our Times: Fracking For Tight Oil
We would normally think of something like fracking as being the sort of technological change that is a residual when we’re talking about microeconomics. But there are times when such microeco... READ MORE >
15-Jun-2015 - America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend
Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has ... READ MORE >
16-Jun-2015 - Giant Floating Solar Power Stations Are Japan's Newest Power Source
After the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan got serious about investing in renewable energy, becoming one of the world leaders in solar power. But the nation faced a problem in its solar effor... READ MORE >
16-Jun-2015 - Energy Industry Is Gassing Down Collapse of oil and gas prices has producers rethinking output
U.S. energy companies are taking their foot off the natural-gas pedal, slowing down their production growth after years of furious pumping.  In the past eight years, a combination of improveme... READ MORE >
17-Jun-2015 - Private Equity Hunts for Oil Deals Outside U.S.
LONDON—Private-equity funds that once profited from energy deals in North American shale have found a new bargain basement for cut-price oil-and-gas fields: almost everywhere else.   F... READ MORE >
17-Jun-2015 - Maryland joins New York as Pennsylvania border state banning fracking
As surging natural gas drilling makes Pennsylvania second in the nation in production, a second neighboring state has banned fracking wells. Last Friday, a moratorium on fracking became law in Mar... READ MORE >
18-Jun-2015 - Oil’s collapse dominates the energy sector, but trouble is building in natural-gas
With prices  down by almost half  in the past year, it seems impolite to raise the subject of oil in Texan country clubs. But changing the subject to natural gas wouldn’t win friend... READ MORE >
18-Jun-2015 - Wind Farm Subsidy Cut Is 'Chilling Signal' To Renewable Energy Sector
The UK Government is to end new subsidies for onshore wind farms by closing the existing payments schemes a year early, it has announced. The move aims to fulfil a Conservative promise ahead of th... READ MORE >
18-Jun-2015 - Scotland explores feasibility of tapping geothermal energy
Scotland has provided £234,025 of funding for five projects to explore the feasibility of using the untapped geothermal energy in the country. The projects will explore the feasibility of ta... READ MORE >
19-Jun-2015 - Oil and Gas service industry prices in free fall.
The decision by E&P companies to cut capital expenditures and increase efficiencies following the dramatic fall in oil prices put downward pressure on other sectors of the oil and gas industry.... READ MORE >
19-Jun-2015 - The shale industry has real debt problems threatening survival
The debt that fueled the U.S. shale boom now threatens to be its undoing. Drillers are devoting more revenue than ever to interest payments. In one example, Continental Resources Inc., the company... READ MORE >
19-Jun-2015 - Denton backtracks on Fracking Ban, ending expensive policy.
And thus ends the most expensive Fracking Ban ever... DENTON, Texas (AP) — Leaders of a North Texas city have repealed a voter-approved ban on hydraulic fracturing by energy companies. The... READ MORE >
19-Jun-2015 - Hurricane Prediction Season is Here...You probably can guess just as well.
Ever wonder how so many different agencies can predict the weather so poorly and yet be absolutely certain when it comes to 100 years from now? ............................... NOAA's Atlantic hurri... READ MORE >
22-Jun-2015 - EPA defends controversial biofuels program at Senate hearing
Continuing a policy of mandating ethanol requirements that have yet to be met, the EPA doubles down in front of congress and reaffirms their RFS rules and continues to cater to the agriculture lobb... READ MORE >
23-Jun-2015 - OPEC's new mantra: Drill baby drill
Crude oil group OPEC agreed to stick by its policy of unconstrained output for another six months on Friday, setting aside warnings of a second lurch lower in prices as some members such as Iran lo... READ MORE >
23-Jun-2015 - Japan is scouting shipments of natural gas from Eagle Ford Shale
Japan needs to diversify how it produces electricity and is looking at the Eagle Ford Shale as a potential source of natural gas to run its new power plants. A delegation from the Consulate Genera... READ MORE >
23-Jun-2015 - Crude up as U.S. oil products jump before data; eyes on Iran
Crude futures rallied by more than 1 percent on Tuesday, latching onto a rebound in oil products ahead of U.S. inventory data expected to show strong demand for gasoline. Also supporting prices we... READ MORE >
23-Jun-2015 - Oil At $60: How Marginal Producers Cope Will Shape Market Direction
As we approach the midway point of the current trading year, it has become apparent that oil benchmarks would find it hard to escape the $50-$75 per barrel range for the rest of the year, and much ... READ MORE >
24-Jun-2015 - California Spot Power Jumps as Solar Generation Falls Short
California spot wholesale electricity prices jumped as solar generation fell 69 percent below forecasts. The National Weather Service said there’s a threat of showers in central and southern ... READ MORE >
24-Jun-2015 - Trump on the stump: A closer look at The Donald's proposed policies
Donald Trump clearly connects oil and foreign policy in the Middle East. "I say that you can defeat ISIS by taking their wealth," Trump told Bill O'Reilly. "Take back the oil. Once you go over an... READ MORE >
24-Jun-2015 - Why the Saudi's are going solar.
The Saudis burn about a quarter of the oil they produce—and their domestic consumption has been rising at an alarming 7 percent a year, nearly three times the rate of population growth. Accor... READ MORE >
24-Jun-2015 - On its way to flying cars, Lexus Builds a Functional Hoverboard Prototype
Watch out, world. Toyota is heading back to the future. The automaker has hinted it’s looking into flying cars. Now its Lexus luxury brand has actually built a working model of a hoverboard.... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2015 - Oil steadies as stronger demand balances glut
Crude oil prices steadied just above $60 a barrel on Thursday as strong demand for oil products helped balance a global overhang of oil for immediate delivery. North Sea Brent crude oil LCOc1 trad... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2015 - Marcellus Shale region to see wave of large pipeline projects
Over the next three years, the Marcellus Shale region can expect to see about 17 pipeline projects meant to ship about 17.3 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas out of Pennsylvania, West Virgi... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2015 - GOP moves to block Obama "Climate Change" executive orders.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defying a White House veto threat, House Republicans moved forward Wednesday with a plan to block a key element of President Barack Obama's strategy for fighting climate cha... READ MORE >
25-Jun-2015 - What Would A Saudi-Russian Partnership Mean For World Energy?
What happens when two nations, that together account for more than fourth quarter of global oil production, begin collaborating on future energy projects? Russian President Vladimir Putin met Saud... READ MORE >
26-Jun-2015 - Natural gas prices buoyed by another strong storage report
HOUSTON — Natural gas futures drifted higher Thursday morning, after weekly data revealed a smaller-than-expected build in inventories last week. The benchmark next month contract for the fu... READ MORE >
26-Jun-2015 - Russia overtakes Saudi Arabia as largest supplier of oil to China
Russia has overtaken Saudi Arabia as the largest supplier of oil to China for the first time, sending almost 930,000 barrels a day last month – up 21% on April. China imported 3.92m tonnes o... READ MORE >
26-Jun-2015 - Natural Gas Prices Retreat on Low Demand and Strong Supply
Natural gas prices gave back nearly all of the prior session’s gains on signs the market may be returning to its chronic oversupply. Prices for the front-month July contract settled down 7.7... READ MORE >
29-Jun-2015 - Russia Strengthens Greece Ties With Gas Link Deal to Europe
Russia signed a preliminary agreement on building a natural-gas pipeline through Greece, a deal that signals strengthening ties between the countries as the crisis-stricken government in Athens is ... READ MORE >
29-Jun-2015 - EU Traders Betting on Ukraine Deal as Winter Gas at Record Low
European Union traders are betting Ukraine will reach a deal to keep natural gas supplies flowing from Russia when the nations meet EU representatives Tuesday. Gas for delivery this winter in the ... READ MORE >
29-Jun-2015 - Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Limits on Power Plants
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday blocked one of the Obama administration’s most ambitious environmental initiatives, an Environmental Protection Agency regulation meant to limit... READ MORE >
30-Jun-2015 - America’s Self-Punishing Oil Export Ban
Amid news of a pending nuclear deal with Iran, some OPEC countries have struck agreements with refineries in Asia to avoid losing market share when Iranian oil comes back on the market. If U.S. pol... READ MORE >
30-Jun-2015 - New York formalizes ban on fracking, ending 7-year review
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York formalized its ban on high-volume hydraulic fracturing for natural gas on Monday, concluding a seven-year environmental and health review that drew a record numbe... READ MORE >
1-Jul-2015 - Coal Stocks Rise as Supreme Court rules EPA must consider cost of new regulations
NEW YORK (AP) -- A Supreme Court ruling against federal environment regulators lit a fire under coal mining stocks Monday. The Environmental Protection Agency had sought to limit power plant emiss... READ MORE >
1-Jul-2015 - Can Nuclear Power Warm Russian-Saudi Relations?
Just weeks ago, Saudi Arabia and Russia traded diplomatic barbs over the conflicts in Yemen and Syria.  Now, the world’s two top oil producers have reached a series of agreements spannin... READ MORE >
1-Jul-2015 - Oil Declines on U.S. Inventory Data
NEW YORK—Oil prices extended their losses on Wednesday after weekly inventory data showed the first increase in U.S. crude-oil supplies in nine weeks. Light, sweet crude for August delivery ... READ MORE >
2-Jul-2015 - As Saudis Keep Pumping, Thirst for Domestic Oil Swells
RIYADH—Saudi Arabia is poised to break records for oil production this summer, analysts said, as domestic-energy needs soar during its scorching summer and the holy month of Ramadan and threa... READ MORE >
2-Jul-2015 - In Report for the GAO...Electric Generation Mix Has Shifted
What GAO Found The mix of energy sources for electricity generation has changed, and the growth in electricity consumption has slowed. As shown in the figure below, from 2001 through 2013, natural ... READ MORE >
6-Jul-2015 - Fracking, with care, brings big benefits: Our view
Fracking — the practice of cracking open underground oil and gas formations with water, sand and chemicals — has rescued U.S. energy production from a dangerous decline. Any debate abou... READ MORE >
7-Jul-2015 - Wave of new federal oil and gas mandates in the works
WASHINGTON - A wave of federal regulation is set to hit the oil and gas industry in coming years, but the crests of the coming mandates are visible now, as administration officials race to draft an... READ MORE >
7-Jul-2015 - The next Greek crisis: gas shortages
The Greek government’s hunger for cash has stripped the state-run gas company of most of its reserves, raising doubts about how long the country can pay for imports. The DEPA gas company, alo... READ MORE >
7-Jul-2015 - Here are six reasons Brent and US crude oil futures are falling again.
Oil is on the cusp of re-entering a bear market after its biggest one-day sell-off since February, with Brent crude — the international benchmark — starting the week with a 6 per cent f... READ MORE >
8-Jul-2015 - Fracking, the Climate Debate and Misinformation
Natural gas isn’t holding us back from a carbon-free future. In fact, it may help us get there. In 2007, as alarm about climate change escalated and environmentalists struggled to stop constr... READ MORE >
9-Jul-2015 - Oil Rout Seen Ending as Demand Trumps China’s Market Crash
Oil’s biggest slump in four years will lose momentum because the plunge in Chinese equities and Greece’s economic crisis won’t dent global demand, according to Morgan Stanley, UBS... READ MORE >
9-Jul-2015 - Fracking Opponents Ditch Science, Embrace Hysteria
I often encourage petroleum executives to listen to and engage their political opponents, on the grounds that many are rational and can be reasoned with. (Also, they are sometimes right.) But the f... READ MORE >
10-Jul-2015 - IEA says oil prices could fall further.
The rebalancing of the oil market that started last year has yet to run its course and a bottom in prices “may still be ahead”, according to the world’s leading energy forecaster... READ MORE >
10-Jul-2015 - The Rapid Growth Of Community Solar Gardens
On Tuesday, the Obama administration added to the momentum by announcing a new Energy Department program to help build community solar systems as part of a larger effort to install 300 megawatts of... READ MORE >
13-Jul-2015 - Russia warming up to Greece, with Natural Gas
Moscow is considering supplying Greece with natural gas via a direct pipeline, Russia’s energy minister said Sunday, adding the priority is to help bring Greece’s economy back from the ... READ MORE >
13-Jul-2015 - Policy adviser offers 11 steps to grow, extend US shale boom
At a time when many producers would prefer to see less oil and gas coming to the market and higher commodity prices, a Manhattan Institute policy expert dismisses the glut as transient and argues t... READ MORE >
14-Jul-2015 - Iran agrees breakthrough nuclear deal (Neutral)
Six world powers and Iran have agreed a breakthrough deal to wind back the country’s progress towards building a nuclear bomb in exchange for a sweeping reversal of international economic san... READ MORE >
14-Jul-2015 - Graham: Iran Deal 'Akin to Declaring War' on Israel (Negative View of deal)
The newly announced deal between Iran and six world powers is “akin to declaring war on Israel and the Sunni Arabs,” and will be a huge problem for Hillary Clinton, according to GOP pre... READ MORE >
14-Jul-2015 - Joy in Iran as Nuclear Deal Spells End to Sanctions
Iranians reacted with delight and relief at news of a landmark nuclear deal with world powers that will end years of bruising economic sanctions. President Hassan Rouhani called the pact a “n... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - Oil producers call for lifting export ban after Iran deal
The oil industry is pushing Congress to lift the decades-old ban on American crude oil exports to help producers cope with the implications of a nuclear deal with Iran.  On Tuesday, the Obama... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - Shale Gas Supply Held Hostage by Oil to Drop by Most in a Year
After four years of record supply, America’s natural gas output is showing signs of weakness as producers retreat amid tumbling oil prices. Gas production from the seven largest U.S. shale b... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - First Offshore Wind Farm in U.S. Powers Ahead
BLOCK ISLAND, R.I.—Beloved by locals and tourists for its soaring clay bluffs and unspoiled views, this small New England island is heading toward another distinction: home to the nation&rsqu... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - The United States is world's largest energy producer
Repeal of the export ban on crude oil grows in national urgency each day that goes by. The recent fall in oil prices again spawns bleak forecasts of bust for the shale boom, but consider a monument... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - Asia ready to buy more Iranian oil
NEW DELHI/SINGAPORE, July 15 (Reuters) - Asian refiners are set to buy more crude oil from Iran once they receive word on when sanctions will be lifted, expecting Tehran to price its oil competitiv... READ MORE >
15-Jul-2015 - U.S. Power Grid Attack Could Cause $70 Billion Insurance Losses: Lloyd’s Report
A cyber attack on the U.S. power grid in the Northeast would have far-reaching implications including the loss of lives, economic losses of as much as a trillion dollars, the disruption of water su... READ MORE >
16-Jul-2015 - Governor Pence: EPA Climate Rule ‘A Genuine Threat’ To Cheap Energy Read more: http://dailycaller.co
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is joining a growing number of states threatening not to implement the key aspects of the Obama administration’s global warming agenda, arguing pending Environmental P... READ MORE >
16-Jul-2015 - EPA distorts health benefits of mega-costly clean-air rule
EXCLUSIVE: The Environmental Protection Agency is exaggerating the  potential health benefits—especially for children—it says result from a new rule that will set sharply lower ozo... READ MORE >
17-Jul-2015 - Russia says to discuss oil markets, Iran with OPEC on July 30
OPEC secretary-general to visit Moscow Russia, Saudi Arabia had agreed that oil output cut unnecessary Russian firms do not expect oil production decline in 2016 (Adds detail, quotes) ... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2015 - Oil rig count up, then down, then...
The US oil rig count fell by seven this week to 638, according to the driller Baker Hughes. Last week, the oil rig count climbed for a second straight period, by five. Last week marked the first ... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2015 - Canada's Rig Count Heats Up While U.S. Fizzles
During summertime, the rigs come out in Canada. The "frozen north" gained 23 active drilling rigs in the latest census from Baker Hughes Inc., released Friday. That increase was enough to bring Nor... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2015 - Mexico oil-lease sale nets only 2 bids
Mexico's move to open the country's energy industry to private and foreign investment for the first time in decades started slowly this week. The government received only two successful bids for oi... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2015 - EPA ‘secret science’ under the microscope as GOP lawmakers seek ban
The Environmental Protection Agency for years has issued costly clean air rules based, in part, on two '90s-era studies linking air pollution with death.  But, critics say, the same agency ha... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2015 - And Tesla Just Did Something Really Big
Tesla has rocked the world of high-performance automobiles with the introduction of its new “Ludicrous mode” rapid acceleration feature. The internal-combustion engine business may neve... READ MORE >
21-Jul-2015 - Three electric vehicles have joined Europe's biggest loser's list
Alternative fuel vehicle sales are sluggish, despite market increases. It’s sad fact of buying a mass market car. Once you’ve driven it off the lot, depreciation begins—some fast... READ MORE >
21-Jul-2015 - Mexico Begins to Share Its Oil Prize
Understanding the connection between energy and economic growth, Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto set out to reform his country’s energy policy and invite outside intelligen... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2015 - Jerry Brown’s climate warning: ‘We are talking about extinction’
Gov. Jerry Brown, issuing an ominous appeal on climate change, said Tuesday that the world may already have “gone over the edge” on global warming and that humanity must reverse course ... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2015 - House GOP holds off on crude exports -- for now
House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans have decided against including a controversial repeal of the crude exports ban in the panel's comprehensive energy package that is set for an initial... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2015 - Canadian oil sands to continue growth, according to IHS
For the past decade, Canada has been the third largest source of oil supply growth in the world— growing from 2.4 million barrels per day in 2005 to 3.7 million barrels per day in 2014.  ... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2015 - Hearing More About the Dysfunctional RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard)
With another congressional hearing on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) scheduled this week, a couple of glimpses behind the curtain at EPA help explain why the RFS is dysfunctional and needs to be... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2015 - T. Boone Pickens: Natural gas 'key weapon in war on terror'
T. Boone Pickens thinks he's found a way to help win America's battles against terrorists. In an essay for Time, the legendary Dallas oilman says using more natural gas is "a key weapon in the war ... READ MORE >
23-Jul-2015 - EPA to block drillers from sending wastewater to municipal treatment plants
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is moving to block one option for oil and gas companies trying to get rid of the millions of gallons of briny, metal-laden wastewater that can flow out o... READ MORE >
23-Jul-2015 - Oil Rigs Left Idling Turn Caribbean Into Expensive Parking Lot
Imagine parking your $300 million boat for months out in the open sea, with well-paid mechanics hovering around it and the engine running. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea have become a ga... READ MORE >
27-Jul-2015 - States appeal case against EPA climate rule
Fourteen states are asking a federal appeals court to revive their challenge to the Obama administration’s signature regulatory proposal on climate change. The states, led by West Virginia At... READ MORE >
28-Jul-2015 - Clinton launches global warming campaign and then boards private jet.
Distinctive French-built Dassault Falcon 900B airplane was spotted in Des Moines, Iowa Monday afternoon, with Hillary Clinton climbing the stairs An aide held a giant umbrella over her he... READ MORE >
28-Jul-2015 - And oil prices head upward.
NEW YORK—Oil prices turned positive Tuesday, after falling to multi-month intraday lows, ahead of weekly U.S. inventory data. Both Brent, the global benchmark, and the U.S. oil benchmark rece... READ MORE >
29-Jul-2015 - Vladimir Putin’s most effective weapon is gas – but not the poison kind
At face value, Russia’s $400 billion deal to supply natural gas to China National Petroleum Corporation, via the state-controlled energy behemoth Gazprom, sounds like a coup for Moscow. But a... READ MORE >
29-Jul-2015 - Biggest US Rig Count Rise in a Year: What Does It Change?
According to oilfield service company Baker Hughes (BHI), there were 876 active oil and gas rigs in the United States in the week ended July 24, 2015. This is 19 more rigs than in the previous week... READ MORE >
29-Jul-2015 - Renewable energy: hopes scaled back in Britain, Germany and US
Ambitious plans to greatly boost renewable energy to cut carbon dioxide emissions have collided with political and economic reality in Britain, Germany and the US. The newly re-elected Conservativ... READ MORE >
29-Jul-2015 - Senate Banking Committee’s crude export debate breaks along party lines
Congressional committee debate over the 40-year ban on exporting US-produced crude oil continued to break largely along party lines as the US Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held its fir... READ MORE >
30-Jul-2015 - Obama pressed by hundreds of groups to scrap ozone rules
President Obama was bombarded by nearly 300 groups representing business and manufacturers on Wednesday, urging him to scrap new rules for reducing smog-forming ozone as the costliest regulations i... READ MORE >
30-Jul-2015 - Hillary Clinton rolls out climate agenda
Hillary Clinton unveiled her most detailed proposals on climate change since becoming a presidential candidate, calling for moving the economy on “a path towards deep decarbonization by 2050&... READ MORE >
30-Jul-2015 - Oil Industry Starts New Round of Cost Cuts as Oil Slump Persists
BP Plc and Chevron Corp. fired the opening salvo for a further round of cost cuts by major oil companies grappling with the prolonged collapse in crude prices. “It’s really tough times... READ MORE >
31-Jul-2015 - Senate energy panel votes to lift oil export ban
The U.S. Senate Energy Committee on Thursday narrowly passed a bill to lift a 40-year-old ban on the export of crude oil, but the measure faces an uphill battle in getting passed by the full Senate... READ MORE >
3-Aug-2015 - EPA Emissions Rule to Mandate Limits Beyond Proposed Targets
WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama on Monday will mandate steep cuts to power-plant carbon emissions, as he unveils his administration’s signature initiative to combat climate change and... READ MORE >
3-Aug-2015 - Wind, Solar Cheer as Coal Vows Battle on Obama’s Energy Plan
The wind and solar industries cheered while coal companies vowed to kill President Barack Obama’s new limits on climate-change pollution as details of the historic regulations emerged. The r... READ MORE >
3-Aug-2015 - Obama doubles down on climate rule
The Obama administration on Sunday unveiled a tougher climate change rule for power plants, demanding that generators cut their carbon dioxide output 32 percent in the first ever limits on the poll... READ MORE >
3-Aug-2015 - Brent crude slides below $50 as Opec production accelerates
Oil slid below $50 a barrel on Monday, extending last month’s losses to hit the lowest level since January due to signs growing production will continue to outstrip supplies. ICE September... READ MORE >
4-Aug-2015 - Obama climate plan stirs cap and trade from deep sleep
Aug 3 Dreams that a cap-and-trade market could become a force for lowering carbon emissions died in the U.S. Senate in 2010, scuttled by politics and a bad economy. On Monday, cap and trade was rev... READ MORE >
4-Aug-2015 - Obama Unveils Climate Rules, With Texas-Wide Implications
Calling climate change “one of the key challenges of our lifetimes and future generations,” President Obama on Monday unveiled the final version of his state-by-state effort to combat t... READ MORE >
4-Aug-2015 - Obama takes on the states over climate change
The Obama administration has vowed to override states that refuse to accept its new climate goals by mandating how they should achieve emissions cuts, a further incitement to state governments that... READ MORE >
4-Aug-2015 - States should refuse to comply with Obama’s lawless power rule.
Rarely do American Presidents display the raw willfulness that President Obama did Monday in rolling out his plan to reorganize the economy in the name of climate change. Without a vote in Congress... READ MORE >
5-Aug-2015 - The Oil Crash Has Caused a $1.3 Trillion Wipeout
It’s the oil crash few saw coming, and few have been spared as it erased $1.3 trillion, the equivalent of Mexico’s annual GDP, in little more than a year. Take billionaire Carl Icahn. ... READ MORE >
5-Aug-2015 - TTIP: what does the transatlantic trade deal mean for renewable energy?
In July the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) came a step closer to reality. Formal talks have been ongoing for two years, but trying to create the world’s biggest free tr... READ MORE >
5-Aug-2015 - We Need A National Energy Plan--And The 'Texas Model' Is A Good Place To Start
Texas’ energy plan is replicable across the country As presidential candidates kick-off the debate season, voters have a right to ask: What is your plan to responsibly develop America’... READ MORE >
5-Aug-2015 - Don't buy the myths about fracking
Fracking media coverage is a confused mess. One day there’s a news story implying that fracking is causing earthquakes or groundwater contamination. The next day there’s a different sto... READ MORE >
5-Aug-2015 - Smart Grids And Fracking: How Sweet To Do Nothing
Trying to track down the origin of the phrase “Don’t just do something, stand there!” is amusing, since it is one of those quips that didn’t seem important enough to make th... READ MORE >
6-Aug-2015 - 2015 already a record year for writedowns, IHS says
HOUSTON — Exploration and production companies have already made 2015 a record year for writedowns and impairments, according to energy consulting group IHS. Beleaguered drillers wrote off $... READ MORE >
6-Aug-2015 - A Solution Worse Than the Problem, Clean Power Plan debacle.
In introducing his Clean Power Plan on Monday, President Barack Obama used inspirational language to describe the impacts of limiting carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel-powered electric gene... READ MORE >
6-Aug-2015 - Oil Slides to Lowest Since March as Goldman Sees Glut
Oil dropped to the lowest level in more than four months amid speculation a global glut that drove prices into a bear market will be prolonged. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said the global crude overs... READ MORE >
10-Aug-2015 - Oil Prices Pressured by Supply Glut Worries
LONDON—Oil prices rose on Monday but remained under pressure by mixed Chinese economic data and widening concerns about the global glut of oil. Over the weekend, China released disappointing ... READ MORE >
10-Aug-2015 - Move to Allow U.S. Oil Exports Accelerates
Big voices in the oil industry and Congress now support a move that would have been unthinkable not long ago: opening the U.S. oil industry to exports. The U.S. has long pushed for liberalized tra... READ MORE >
10-Aug-2015 - The EPA's clean energy plan reverses policy on a proven natural gas solution.
For years energy analysts have viewed natural gas as the bridge to a cleaner energy future, but the final draft of the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan tries to leap that gap in a... READ MORE >
10-Aug-2015 - Russian GDP Plunges 4.6%
Russia’s economy shrank the most since 2009 after a currency crisis jolted consumer demand, while a selloff in oil threatens to drag the country into a deeper recession. Gross domestic produ... READ MORE >
11-Aug-2015 - Wind Turbins are getting really big, like 600 ft. big
CALGARY – From megawatts to the size of rotors, everything about wind turbines has been getting bigger. But even proponents of wind power say they may be reaching a limit as logistics and a ... READ MORE >
11-Aug-2015 - Job losses from coal dwarf gains from wind
As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatens to shut down vast amounts of coal power plants, the federal government continues to shower renewable energy producers with billions of dollars... READ MORE >
11-Aug-2015 - Who will survive and who will thrive when the oil price war is over?
For example, when Rupert Murdoch slashed the price of The Times of London newspaper in 1993, it sparked a price war with the Daily Telegraph that lasted a decade and roped in other “quality&r... READ MORE >
11-Aug-2015 - Crude oil is getting smoked
There goes crude oil again. On Tuesday morning, West Texas Intermediate crude futures in New York fell 4% to as low as $43.03 per barrel. Brent crude, the international benchmark, was also lower, ... READ MORE >
12-Aug-2015 - Amplify the Oil Boom by Liberating U.S. Exports
With U.S. oil production on a long-term uptick, the long-standing ban on direct exports of crude should be abolished. Bills in both houses of Congress propose to do just that, and on July 30 the Se... READ MORE >
12-Aug-2015 - Oil Demand Growing at Fastest Pace in Five Years, Says IEA
Demand for oil is increasing at its fastest pace in five years, boosted by an oil-price drop below $50 a barrel, a top energy watchdog said Wednesday, as it sharply upgraded its consumption-growth ... READ MORE >
12-Aug-2015 - Oil Prices Rebound on Rising Demand
Oil prices rose on Wednesday after the International Energy Agency said demand for crude is increasing at its fastest pace in five years. The agency’s closely watched oil-market report showe... READ MORE >
12-Aug-2015 - Keystone XL review drags on 5 times longer than average, despite US claims of standard process
WASHINGTON (AP) — For six and a half years, the White House has had a quick comeback to questions about its yet-to-be-announced decision on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline: Talk to the Stat... READ MORE >
13-Aug-2015 - Report: U.S. incomes increase with oil exports
HOUSTON, Aug. 12 (UPI) -- Ending the ban on the export of crude oil sourced from U.S. basins would result in a per household labor income increase of $158 per year, a report finds. Consultant firm... READ MORE >
13-Aug-2015 - Growth slows for China's coal-fired power sector
China commissioned 23.4 GW in thermal power capacity during the first half of 2015, new reports show. Most of the new capacity is coal-fired, with gas- and biomass-fired plants accounting for less... READ MORE >
13-Aug-2015 - China needs 200 GW of solar by 2020, say industry groups
Country urged to double solar power goal in order to plug projected nuclear and hydropower shortfalls; currency devaluation could provide boon for solar exports but harm EU. Three leading industry... READ MORE >
13-Aug-2015 - Why Japan is bringing back nuclear power — four years after Fukushima
After a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and ensuing tsunami hit Japan's northeastern coast in 2011, leading to the famous reactor meltdown at Fukushima, the country decided to hit the pause button on nucl... READ MORE >
13-Aug-2015 - Oil at $30 Is No Problem for Some Bakken Drillers Cutting Costs
The lowest crude prices in six years might not be enough to put the brakes on the U.S. energy renaissance. Some parts of North Dakota’s Bakken shale play are profitable at less than $30 a bar... READ MORE >
14-Aug-2015 - The Green Scare Problem
‘We’ve heard these same stale arguments before,” said President Obama in his speech on climate change last week, referring to those who worry that the Environmental Protection Age... READ MORE >
14-Aug-2015 - First offshore wind farm in the United States begins construction
In July, American offshore wind developer, Deepwater Wind, installed the first foundation for what is expected to be the first offshore wind farm in the United States. The project will be located t... READ MORE >
14-Aug-2015 - Oil Majors’ $60 Billion Cuts Don’t Go Far Enough as Crude Slides
The $60 billion of oil-industry spending cuts this year aren't likely to be enough to meet sacrosanct dividend commitments as crude languishes near a six-year low.  The world’s biggest ... READ MORE >
17-Aug-2015 - U.S. Loosens Longtime Ban on Oil Exports
Energy companies eager to export American crude oil scored a victory Friday when Washington agreed to allow them to trade oil with Mexico, in a further erosion of the four-decade ban on selling U.S... READ MORE >
17-Aug-2015 - Why gas prices are rising as oil falls to 6-year lows
Crude-oil prices haven’t been this low in nearly 6 1/2 years, but motorists in some parts of the country have seen a significant rise in prices at the gas pump this week. Drivers can thank re... READ MORE >
17-Aug-2015 - California measure creates tax revenue but fails to create green jobs
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Three years after California voters passed a ballot measure to raise taxes on corporations and generate clean energy jobs by funding energy-efficiency projects in sc... READ MORE >
17-Aug-2015 - Oil prices – the Saudi dilemma
With the latest analysis from the International Energy Agency showing that oil production capacity continues to rise despite the sharp fall in prices, is Saudi Arabia ready to admit that its strate... READ MORE >
17-Aug-2015 - Low Oil Prices Pose Threat to Texas Fracking Bonanza
KARNES CITY, Tex. — No place in Texas produces more oil than Karnes County, but suddenly the roaring economy here is cooling fast, chilled by the plunging price of crude. Workers who migrate... READ MORE >
18-Aug-2015 - EPA to Propose Rules Cutting Methane Emissions From Oil and Gas Drilling
WASHINGTON—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday will propose the first-ever federal regulations to cut methane emissions from the nation’s oil and natural-gas industry, a... READ MORE >
18-Aug-2015 - EPA puts out regulations to cut methane emissions by 45%
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will propose regulations on Tuesday aimed at cutting methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by up to 45 percent over the next decade from 2012 levels... READ MORE >
18-Aug-2015 - Hillary Clinton says Arctic drilling 'not worth the risk'
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday staked out her opposition to Arctic oil exploration, a day after the Obama administration gave Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) final approval... READ MORE >
19-Aug-2015 - Obama’s methane limits seen wiping out the marginal driller
A proposal by the Obama administration to strengthen methane regulations threatens to wipe out marginal drillers already teetering on the edge of closing because of low oil and natural gas prices, ... READ MORE >
19-Aug-2015 - EPA – Messing With Success on Methane
So, the EPA looked at declining methane emissions …  Down 79 percent from hydraulically fractured wells since 2005 Down 38 percent from natural gas production overall from 2005 to 2013... READ MORE >
19-Aug-2015 - $40 oil could be a game changer for Russia
If oil prices tumble below $40, then the Russian Central Bank could be inspired to interrupt its rate-cutting agenda. "If the situation on the foreign-exchange market changes as a result of a sign... READ MORE >
19-Aug-2015 - How the Worst Performing Oil Companies Are Making More Than Exxon
Some of the worst-performing oil companies in North America are getting more for their crude than Exxon Mobil Corp. and other giants. That may not help them for long. Goodrich Petroleum Corp., the... READ MORE >
20-Aug-2015 - Google Wants To Help More Homes Switch To Solar Energy
The big G has plans for clothes that connect to your phone and smart contact lenses that monitor glucose and blood sugar levels, as well as balloons that bring 4G service to places without it. And ... READ MORE >
20-Aug-2015 - U.S. crude prices fall towards $40 on global glut
U.S. crude oil prices fell to almost $40 a barrel on Thursday, their lowest since the global financial crisis of 2009, as supplies rose in North America and the Middle East, filling stockpiles to r... READ MORE >
20-Aug-2015 - Audi to unveil 310-mile electric SUV to rival Tesla Model X
Audi is to unveil an electric car to rival Tesla’s forthcoming Model X that the German marque says is capable of travelling at least 310 miles on battery power alone. The Volkswagen-owned ca... READ MORE >
20-Aug-2015 - Likelihood of U.S. Oil Sliding to $30 a Barrel Is Increasing
As U.S. oil fell to a six-year low below $41 a barrel on Wednesday, an increasing number of analysts and traders are saying crude could drop into the $30s—and soon. The move to a price last s... READ MORE >
21-Aug-2015 - The global warming hiatus re-examined, Sat Data & Buoys vs. Dr. Thomas Carl
PHOENIX, Aug. 18, 2015 — A re-analysis of global ocean surface temperatures in a paper published in Science, America’s most prestigious science journal, raises global temperatures after... READ MORE >
21-Aug-2015 - No End in Sight for Oil Glut, but Producers Keep On Producing
When oil prices started to edge down a year ago, most energy mavens thought the drop would be small and short-lived. Instead, the price of crude has plunged by almost 60% from its 2014 peak—a... READ MORE >
21-Aug-2015 - Fossil fuels have made up at least 80% of U.S. fuel mix since 1900
While the energy history of the United States is one of significant change, three fossil fuel sources—petroleum, natural gas, and coal—have made up at least 80% of total U.S. energy con... READ MORE >
21-Aug-2015 - Oil suffers longest weekly losing streak since 1986
U.S. oil futures on Friday settled below $41 a barrel for the first time since the Great Recession to suffer an eighth straight weekly loss—the longest streak of weekly losses since 1986. Pr... READ MORE >
21-Aug-2015 - Don't Say Oil Demand in the U.S. has Peaked
Amid all the bearishness of oil markets--the benchmark U.S. light sweet crude price on CME Wednesday declined $1.82 to $40.80/b, the lowest for the front-month contract since March 2009--data relea... READ MORE >
23-Aug-2015 - Navy Signs Agreement for Largest Purchase of Renewable Energy by Federal Entity
CORONADO, Calif. (NNS) -- The Department of the Navy (DON), Western Area Power Administration (Western), and Sempra U.S. Gas & Power hosted a ceremony Aug. 20 at Naval Air Station North Island,... READ MORE >
23-Aug-2015 - European Renewable Energy performance for 2014 falls far short of claims
By 2014 European Union countries had invested approximately €1 trillion, €1000,000,000,000, in large scale Renewable Energy installations. This has provided a nameplate electrical generat... READ MORE >
23-Aug-2015 - Oil Falls Below $40 a Barrel for First Time Since 2009
Oil plunged below $40 a barrel in New York for the first time in more than six years, extending the longest decline since 1986 on concern slower demand growth will prolong a global glut. Prices ha... READ MORE >
24-Aug-2015 - The Power Revolutions
Energy innovation and energy “transition” are today’s hot topics. President Barack Obama aims to have 20% of U.S. electricity come from wind and solar by 2030. Presidential candid... READ MORE >
24-Aug-2015 - Putin Seeks Chinese Agreement as Oil Slump Sours Second Gas Deal
Russia’s energy pivot toward Asia faces its sternest test early next month when President Vladimir Putin visits Beijing amid slumping oil prices and concerns over China’s economic slowd... READ MORE >
25-Aug-2015 - Gulf, shale producers feel the heat as oil plummets
Abu Dhabi: Gulf countries and shale producers are feeling the heat as oil prices continue to plunge due to over production and weak demand. However, the Gulf countries are better placed because of ... READ MORE >
25-Aug-2015 - Slide in petrol prices to bolster US spending power and growth
A fall in fuel prices is expected to save US consumers about $90 per household per month by the end of the year, providing a boost to spending power and economic growth.  US crude oil prices ... READ MORE >
25-Aug-2015 - From Venezuela to Iraq to Russia, Oil Price Drops Raise Fears of Unrest
Oil, the lifeblood of many countries that produce and sell it, appears to be rapidly turning into an ever-cheaper economic curse. A year ago, the international price per barrel of oil was about $1... READ MORE >
26-Aug-2015 - Energy Companies Cheaper Than Assets After Rout, Oil Search Says
Oil and gas companies are looking more attractive to buy than individual assets following the plunge in share prices, according to Oil Search Ltd., Exxon Mobil Corp.’s partner in Papua New Gu... READ MORE >
26-Aug-2015 - Solyndra May Have Lied to Get Loan Guarantee, Watchdog Says
Solyndra LLC executives may have intentionally misled the Energy Department as they sought $535 million in federal loan guarantees, the agency’s inspector general concluded after a four-year ... READ MORE >
27-Aug-2015 - Oil prices rise more than 3% as stock markets rally
Oil prices jumped more than 3 percent on Thursday after a rally in equity markets and an unexpected fall in U.S. crude inventories, but worries over the health of the Chinese economy and a global o... READ MORE >
27-Aug-2015 - Mexico Sweetens Oil Auction to Draw Firms Hit by Low Oil Prices
MEXICO CITY—Mexico’s hydrocarbons regulator has improved the terms for its September oil auction to drum up more interest among cash-strapped international oil firms reeling from fallin... READ MORE >
27-Aug-2015 - Oil industry needs half a trillion dollars to endure price slump
At a time when the oil price is languishing at its lowest level in six years, producers need to find half a trillion dollars to repay debt. Some might not make it. The number of oil and gas compan... READ MORE >
27-Aug-2015 - Oil prices surge 7%, US crude rises above $41
Oil prices jumped 7 percent on Thursday after a rally in equity markets and an unexpected fall in U.S. crude inventories. World stock markets rose as Chinese shares recovered on hopes that govern... READ MORE >
28-Aug-2015 - Judge blocks new federal rule on EPA take over of water
A federal judge in North Dakota on Thursday blocked a new Obama administration rule that would give the federal government jurisdiction over some state waterways. U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickso... READ MORE >
28-Aug-2015 - Oil Exploration Companies Scramble to Cut Costs
LONDON—When oil prices started falling last summer, Genel Energy PLC, a small exploration company listed here, asked the government of Ethiopia to extend its exploration license, so it could ... READ MORE >
28-Aug-2015 - More graft in the system, green energy credits go to those that need them least
Since 2006, U.S. households have received more than $18 billion in federal income tax credits for weatherizing their homes, installing solar panels, buying hybrid and electric vehicles, and other &... READ MORE >
31-Aug-2015 - Oil falls back below $49 as glut, China concerns weigh
Oil fell below $49 a barrel on Monday after its biggest two-day rally in six years last week, pressured by a supply glut and renewed concern about a hard landing for China's economy. International ... READ MORE >
31-Aug-2015 - Obama takes Air Force One to Alaska to talk Climate
Anchorage, Alaska (CNN)To hear the White House describe Alaska, the state has become the canary in the climate change coal mine, complete with raging wildfires, accelerating ice melt in the arctic,... READ MORE >
31-Aug-2015 - Alaskans concerned Obama visit a ploy to highlight green legacy
President Obama on Monday will begin a three-day trip to Alaska to hike on a glacier and call attention to climate change, amid concern from Alaskans and the oil and gas industry that the president... READ MORE >
31-Aug-2015 - EPA says clean water rule in effect despite court ruling
WASHINGTON –  The Environmental Protection Agency says it is going forward with a new federal rule to protect small streams, tributaries and wetlands, despite a court ruling that blocked... READ MORE >
31-Aug-2015 - As Oil Jumps to One-Month High as OPEC Ready to Talk to Producers
Oil rose to a one-month high after OPEC said it’s ready to talk to other global producers to achieve ‘fair prices’ and the U.S. government reduced its crude output estimates. The ... READ MORE >
1-Sep-2015 - EIA revises US oil production estimates lower; June output sank
HOUSTON – The federal government believes daily U.S. crude production fell to 9.3 million barrels in June, down by 100,000 barrels in the prior month, as low oil prices continue to discourage... READ MORE >
1-Sep-2015 - Obama on Climate Change: Act Now or Condemn World to a Nightmare
President Barack Obama challenged fellow world leaders in unusually blunt language Monday to act boldly on climate change or "condemn our children to a world they will no longer have the capacity t... READ MORE >
1-Sep-2015 - Government Report Finds Economic Benefits of Oil Exports
WASHINGTON—A long-awaited study by the Obama administration has concluded that lifting the nation’s four-decade ban on exports of U.S. oil wouldn’t raise American gasoline prices ... READ MORE >
1-Sep-2015 - The Saudis Gambled and Texas Won
In November 2014, the leaders of Saudi Arabia made one of the biggest bets in history. Their strategy was flawed, and they’ve already lost. In an OPEC meeting that month, Saudi Arabia announ... READ MORE >
2-Sep-2015 - Russia Says Oil Output Could Decline If Prices Continue To Fall
MOSCOW: Russia will not deliberately cut oil production to prop up prices, however its output may decline if prices remain low, local news agencies quoted Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich as... READ MORE >
2-Sep-2015 - Venezuela wants an emergency OPEC meeting
Venezuela is seeking an emergency OPEC meeting to figure out how the cartel can stem the collapse in oil prices, The Wall Street Journal is reporting.  According to people familiar with the m... READ MORE >
2-Sep-2015 - Obama: Shrinking Exit Glacier a powerful sign of warming climate
SEWARD, Alaska (Reuters) - President Barack Obama walked down a winding wooded path, past a small brown post marked "1926" and a glacial stream trickling over gravel that eons of ice have scraped o... READ MORE >
3-Sep-2015 - Wind-Power Producers Find Profits as Elusive as a Summer Breeze
Power producers who invested billions in turbines are finding that making money off the wind can be as unpredictable as the energy source itself. NextEra Energy Inc., NRG Yield Inc. and Duke Energ... READ MORE >
3-Sep-2015 - Rubio: Priority No. 1 is lifting U.S. oil export ban
OKLAHOMA CITY, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- Lifting a ban on U.S. crude oil exports will bring "immediate" economic stimulus to the economy, Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio said. Sen. Rubio, R-Fl... READ MORE >
3-Sep-2015 - World's Top Oil Trader Vitol Sees Price Stuck at $40-$60 to 2016
Oil prices will remain at $40 to $60 a barrel into 2016 as rising crude supplies overwhelm demand, according to the world’s largest independent oil trader. The oil-production surplus means s... READ MORE >
3-Sep-2015 - Three charged in 'Green Energy' ponzi scheme
According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Troy Wragg, 34, a former resident of Philadelphia, Pa., Amanda Knorr, 32, of Hellertown, Pa., and Wayde McKelvy, 52, of Colorado, are charged with conspirac... READ MORE >
4-Sep-2015 - Hedge Fund Manager Hall Says World Market ‘Not Awash in Oil’
Andy Hall, one of the best-known oil traders who’s bullish on prices, said the decline in the oil market isn’t a repeat of 1998 or 2008. The absence of “extreme contango,” ... READ MORE >
4-Sep-2015 - Price of Crude Oil Tumbles After Soaring for 3 Days
HOUSTON — After three days of spiking oil prices, a barrel of crude tumbled back nearly 8 percent on Tuesday, renewing despair in the oil patch. At the same time, ConocoPhillips announced it ... READ MORE >
5-Sep-2015 - Venezuela's Maduro, Russia's Putin come together on idea of controlling oil prices
CARACAS, VENEZUELA –  Venezuela and Russia have agreed to measures for boosting oil prices until it stabilizes between $70 and $80 barrel, a figure welcomed by the Organization of the Pe... READ MORE >
7-Sep-2015 - The Clean Power Plan and Supporting Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas
The U.S. energy economy is the 2nd largest but most dynamic in the world, a massive complex devouring 6 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) every day. Our daily energy supply will continue to b... READ MORE >
8-Sep-2015 - Saudi Arabia looks beyond oil to exploit its sunshine
Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, is keen to start harvesting electricity from another resource it has in abundance: sunshine. A robust patent portfolio attracted Riyadh Valley ... READ MORE >
8-Sep-2015 - Iran Says Mexico to Help If OPEC Tries to Manage Oil Market
Mexico is willing to work with OPEC if the group tries to stabilize crude markets amid a global supply glut and slide in prices, Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said after talks wit... READ MORE >
8-Sep-2015 - Wake up, Obama, climate change has been happening forever
President Obama hiked to Exit Glacier in Alaska last week, with photographers in tow, to send the world a message: The glacier is melting. Obama blames it on the increasing use of fossil fuels such... READ MORE >
8-Sep-2015 - Bavaria says Germany must curb renewable energy costs
MUNICH, Sept 8 (Reuters) - The German state of Bavaria will press the federal government to reduce supports for renewable energy, a high-ranking local policymaker said on Tuesday, calling the cost ... READ MORE >
10-Sep-2015 - More Iranian Oil Could Hit The Market Now That Iran Deal Is Assured
The deal will give international nuclear weapons inspectors access to Iranian nuclear facilities, and freeze nuclear activities for 10 years. In exchange, Iran will see sanctions relief. That coul... READ MORE >
10-Sep-2015 - Japan to import 350k bpd of oil from Iran
Iran says Japan has welcomed a proposal to increase imports of Iranian oil to as high as 350,000 barrels per day (bpd). Amir-Hossein Zamaniniya, Iran’s deputy petroleum minister for internat... READ MORE >
PRETORIA - South Africa would resume oil imports from Iran “tomorrow” if sanctions were lifted as agreed in July, a senior government official said on Wednesday. Iran was once the bigg... READ MORE >
10-Sep-2015 - Iran tells OPEC Over-producers will face deep economic pressure if glut continues, Iran says.
TEHRAN, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will have to review production levels to make room for Iran or face consequences, Iran's Oil Ministry said. An opinion p... READ MORE >
10-Sep-2015 - Coal’s Decline Is Choking Appalachia Towns
In Kentucky’s Letcher County, emergency response time for sheriff’s deputies averages an hour, up from 30 minutes a year ago. Martin County, also in eastern Kentucky, couldn’t aff... READ MORE >
10-Sep-2015 - Spain closes deal to supply Iranian natural gas to Europe
Spain has reached an agreement to ship Iranian natural gas to Europe, in the wake of a nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers that has seen crippling economic sanctions on the Islamic Republi... READ MORE >
11-Sep-2015 - Why Vladimir Putin Won't Be Helping OPEC to Cut Oil Production
Few things have more potential to spook the oil market than the prospect of Russia joining forces with OPEC. Speculation that such a move was afoot last month drove crude to its biggest three-day g... READ MORE >
11-Sep-2015 - Will OPEC change its ways as oil continues to tumble?
The past five years have completely changed oil market flows. With US production increasing and oil imports rapidly declining, many oil exporters such as Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, and Angola were co... READ MORE >
11-Sep-2015 - Kreutzer: A clear power grab on climate
Recently President Obama visited Alaska to scare up support for his climate agenda. But it's becoming clear that this agenda is not, in fact, about climate. Instead, it's the typical Washington sto... READ MORE >
12-Sep-2015 - US shale has 'blinked' in battle against OPEC: IEA
This dramatic fall in prices was due to weak demand, a strong dollar and booming U.S. oil production, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).  However, OPEC's reluctance to cut ou... READ MORE >
14-Sep-2015 - Most Comprehensive Appalachian Region Study Finds Water Quality Issues Long Before Fracking
A new study, which can boast of having one of the most comprehensive water quality datasets in the Appalachian basin prior to Marcellus and Utica shale development, was recently released in the jou... READ MORE >
14-Sep-2015 - Post-sanctions Iran lining up $100bn energy deals: Report
Tehran is lining up $100 billion worth of energy deals it wants to sign in the aftermath international sanctions being lifted, according to a new report by business intelligence service Meed. The ... READ MORE >
14-Sep-2015 - Iran Deal: The Effect on Global Oil Markets
Despite last minute efforts to derail the agreement, the nuclear accord with Iran is a done deal. While generally agreeing that lifting Iranian sanctions will bring more oil to market, analysts hav... READ MORE >
14-Sep-2015 - Iran to sell crude oil to Asia on a huge discount in a bid to regain market share in the region
Next month, Iran is going to reduce prices for all its oil grades export to Asia, according to two people who knew the decision.  There will be a reduction on the premium on its main light cru... READ MORE >
14-Sep-2015 - Write-Downs On Field Values Abound for Oil Producers
U.S. oil-and-gas producers have written down the value of their drilling fields by more in 2015 than any full year in history, as the rout in commodity prices makes properties across the country no... READ MORE >
15-Sep-2015 - Rep. Joe Barton seeks 'sweet spot' on crude exports
The House Republican leading efforts to repeal the ban on crude oil exports is talking with Democrats to find "middle ground" that would boost the bill's overall support when it comes to the floor ... READ MORE >
15-Sep-2015 - Gazprom Raises Estimate of Europe-bound Gas Exports to 158 Bcm
Russia's Gazprom has raised its forecast for natural gas exports to Europe and Turkey to 158 billion cubic meters in 2015 as daily nominations by consumers are exceeding last-year levels, with the ... READ MORE >
15-Sep-2015 - Fracking represents less than 1% of U.S. industrial water use, study shows
DURHAM, NC, Sept. 15, 2105 -- According to a new Duke University study, U.S. energy companies used nearly 250 billion gallons of water to extract unconventional shale gas and oil from hydraulically... READ MORE >
16-Sep-2015 - Natural Gas Retreats as Autumn Nears
Natural gas prices are falling Wednesday as traders anticipate mild autumn weather to cause people to use less air conditioning and gas-fired power. Prices for the front-month October contract fel... READ MORE >
16-Sep-2015 - China seeks major role in oil market
Now Beijing wants a bigger role in pricing the barrels it buys, using its growing muscle to pull power away from traders and exchanges in New York and London. Later this year the Shanghai Internat... READ MORE >
17-Sep-2015 - Coal’s Answer to Decade-Low Prices Is Even Lower Prices
Coking coal is testing one of the basics of Econ 101: that low prices are the cure for low prices. The global metallurgical coal benchmark for the fourth quarter settled last week at $89 a met... READ MORE >
17-Sep-2015 - House Vote May Signal the Beginning of the End of Oil Export Ban
House Republicans will test Thursday whether a once-unthinkable goal of U.S. energy producers could become reality: the end of a 40-year ban on exporting oil. A mainstay of U.S. energy policy sinc... READ MORE >
17-Sep-2015 - Falling production is underpinning U.S. oil prices: Kemp
U.S. crude oil production is falling sharply, helping put a floor beneath U.S. domestic crude prices and causing them to rise relative to the international marker Brent. In the face of lower pric... READ MORE >
17-Sep-2015 - Race to renewable: five developing countries ditching fossil fuels
Costa Rica is well on its way to becoming the first developing country to have 100% renewable electricity. Thanks to our hydro, wind and geothermal resources, 98% of our power is already renewable ... READ MORE >
18-Sep-2015 - House panel passes bill to repeal U.S. oil export ban
A bill to repeal the 40-year-old ban on U.S. oil exports easily passed the energy panel in the House of Representatives on Thursday, but the measure faces an uphill battle in the Senate. The l... READ MORE >
18-Sep-2015 - Oil forecaster Ed Morse sees oil price rebound — but don’t count on US$100 levels again
BANFF, Alta.  • The oil-price crash remains painful and may be far from over, but top oil forecaster Ed Morse offered some hope Thursday to Canada’s gloomy oil industry — ... READ MORE >
18-Sep-2015 - Gulf Oil Producers Ramp Up Price War as China, Supply Concerns Persist
The Persian Gulf’s biggest oil producers appear to be intensifying their price war in a competition to maintain their share of the Asian market amid uncertainty about the direction of the... READ MORE >
19-Sep-2015 - House move on oil exports moot, White House says
  WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- Congressional moves to repeal a crude oil exports ban are irrelevant because those decisions rest with the Commerce Department, the White House said. The H... READ MORE >
21-Sep-2015 - U.S. Consumers See Upside of Falling Energy Prices
The markets are heaving over fears of a China-fueled global slowdown, but for American consumers there’s good news here: They will be paying less as a percentage of disposable income for ... READ MORE >
21-Sep-2015 - Oil Prices Climb as Production Capacity Falls
Oil prices rose Monday on expectations that crude’s yearlong price rout will continue to lower U.S. production. On Friday, oil-services company Baker Hughes Inc. reported a drop in the n... READ MORE >
21-Sep-2015 - Energy Department Awards Nearly $55 Million to Advance Fuel Efficient Vehicle Technologies
As part of the Obama Administration’s strategy to increase energy productivity, reduce America's reliance on foreign oil and cut harmful emissions the Energy Department today announced an... READ MORE >
21-Sep-2015 - Oil Speculators Most Bullish on U.S. Crude Price in Two Months
Hedge funds slashed their bets on falling oil prices, leaving them the most bullish on U.S. crude futures in two months. Money managers’ net-long position in West Texas Intermediate ros... READ MORE >
22-Sep-2015 - Volkswagen sets aside $7.3 billion over emissions scandal
BERLIN (AP) — The crisis enveloping Volkswagen AG, the world's top-selling carmaker, escalated Tuesday as the company issued a profit warning following a stunning admission that some 11 m... READ MORE >
22-Sep-2015 - Pope’s speech at the U.N. could have impact on climate debate
This week, as Pope Francis visits the United States, all eyes will be on his speech before Congress on Thursday, and how it could affect domestic politics — especially on the subject of c... READ MORE >
22-Sep-2015 - Report says oil drilling projects worth $1.5 trillion face delays with low prices
Low oil prices have slowed spending at companies throughout the oil patch and could erase or delay up to $1.5 trillion in oil-field projects, according to a report released Monday by energy ana... READ MORE >
22-Sep-2015 - US-China Climate Change Deal: Presidents Obama And Xi To Discuss Emissions Goals At White House
U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping will make climate change a top focus during meetings in Washington this week. The leaders are expected to build on last fall's histo... READ MORE >
22-Sep-2015 - Senate Democrats unveil climate-focused energy bill
U.S. Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled energy legislation designed to hasten America's adoption of cleaner energy, slash greenhouse gas emissions below the Obama administration's goal, and h... READ MORE >
24-Sep-2015 - Here’s Why Oil Prices Fell When They Should Have Climbed
Wednesday was a day to look to the all-telling charts for hard-to-answer questions in the oil market. U.S. oil had some of its biggest losses for September Wednesday despite data that should ... READ MORE >
24-Sep-2015 - Exposing Vehicle Emissions Problems Not New For University
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- A West Virginia University research unit that helped expose Volkswagen AG's smog-test scandal had been involved in another emissions test two decades ago involving pol... READ MORE >
24-Sep-2015 - Getting ready to rumble: Texas prepares to take on the EPA in court
Texas is expected to join a challenge from about 20 states that intend on taking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to court over the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. An air... READ MORE >
25-Sep-2015 - US Oil Production Fall Will be Worse than Markets Expect
With the U.S. now the de facto swing producer for the global oil industry, a key factor in understanding when oil markets might rebalance is how much U.S. production could ultimately fall from ... READ MORE >
25-Sep-2015 - California regulators to restore emissions-cutting fuel rule
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California regulators are poised to restore a first-in-the-nation climate change program that requires a 10 percent cut in carbon emissions on transportation fue... READ MORE >
25-Sep-2015 - Business turns on UK government for green energy U-turns
Shares in Drax ticked up on Friday morning after the country’s biggest power station pulled the plug on a carbon capture project at the heart of UK efforts to combat climate change. But tha... READ MORE >
25-Sep-2015 - Gas Bulls Unshaken by Nice Weather Warn That Winter Is Coming
Natural gas bulls have a message for those who dragged futures down this week to the lowest in almost five months: Winter is coming. Five of 11 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg said they’r... READ MORE >
26-Sep-2015 - White House sends cap-and-trade warning to states
A White House statement on Friday announcing China's plan to launch a landmark cap-and-trade program was coupled with a strong message to U.S. states that they too could get a federal cap-and-t... READ MORE >
26-Sep-2015 - U.S., China Announce Deepened Partnership On Climate
WASHINGTON -- U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping announced additional commitments on climate change Friday, along with a "common vision for an ambitious global climate... READ MORE >
27-Sep-2015 - China climate announcements could turn tables on Congress
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump was succinct last week when asked how the United States should respond to climate change. "It's not a big problem at all," the leader in opinion polls for ... READ MORE >
28-Sep-2015 - Shell stops Arctic activity after 'disappointing' tests
Royal Dutch Shell has stopped Arctic oil and gas exploration off the coast of Alaska after "disappointing" results from a key well in the Chukchi Sea. In a surprise announcement, the company ... READ MORE >
28-Sep-2015 - Senate Dems tell Obama to end Arctic drilling
Some Senate Democrats are once again asking President Obama to end oil and natural gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean. In a letter Friday, 12 senators asked Obama to block any additional drillin... READ MORE >
29-Sep-2015 - China's Demand for Oil Is Totally Misunderstood by the Market
Amid sinking crude prices, there's been an almost singleminded focus on supply dynamics in the oil market, particularly on the resilience of U.S. production, which has proven nearly impervious ... READ MORE >
29-Sep-2015 - Saudi-Russia Alliance in the Offing?
While it seems a bit easier to contend that Saudi Arabia is playing the ‘Russia card’ to keep the US under pressure, a closer look would suggest that Saudi Arabia and Russia, too, h... READ MORE >
29-Sep-2015 - Can The Saudi Economy Resist ‘Much Lower For Much Longer’?
the Saudis must alter course, seek a consensus on prices and volumes with their fellow OPEC members, coordinate with Russia, and reduce output from 2015’s average (approx. 10.5 mmbbl/d) t... READ MORE >
29-Sep-2015 - Jeb Bush energy plan emphasizes U.S. jobs, lower prices
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Jeb Bush outlined an energy plan on Tuesday that would seek to take greater advantage of booming U.S. oil and natural gas supplies to boost jobs and econo... READ MORE >
30-Sep-2015 - U.S. rule to cut toxic emissions at refineries
WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - U.S. oil refineries will face tighter standards in coming years on toxic emissions that cause lung problems and increase cancer risks, environmental regulators s... READ MORE >
30-Sep-2015 - Judge in Wyoming blocks federal fracking rule
A federal judge has issued an injunction against new Department of Interior regulations for hydraulic fracturing on federal land.  Judge Scott Skavdahl of the U.S. District Court of Wyomi... READ MORE >
1-Oct-2015 - U.S. jet fuel demand is rising strongly
Fuel consumption by U.S. airlines is growing at some of the fastest rates for a decade, according to data published by the federal government. U.S. carriers consumed 1.6 billion gallons of fue... READ MORE >
1-Oct-2015 - Tesla's Model X SUV Finally Hits The Road As Luxury SUV Sales Boom
FREMONT, Calif. — Electric vehicle maker Tesla Motors has mastered the sporty two-seater and the elegant sedan. Now, it wants to conquer the family hauler. Tesla's Model X — one of... READ MORE >
1-Oct-2015 - Global oil demand growing at fastest pace for five years
World oil demand surged in the first six months of 2015 compared with the same period in 2014, according to national estimates submitted to the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI). Petroleum dema... READ MORE >
1-Oct-2015 - Ohio lawmakers recommend halting state's renewable energy, efficiency mandates
COLUMBUS, Ohio – After months of work, a legislative study committee has recommended that Ohio should indefinitely freeze its renewable-energy and energy-efficiency mandates. Gov. John K... READ MORE >
1-Oct-2015 - U.S. Is Net Oil Exporter to Mexico for First Time in Two Decades
The U.S. became a net oil exporter to Mexico for the first time in more than 20 years as output from shale fields pushed the world’s biggest consumer toward energy independence. Net expo... READ MORE >
2-Oct-2015 - Silicon Valley's Hot New Investment: Oil and Gas
Technology investors aren't usually known for backing anything related to fossil fuels—they tend to favor solar energy and other environmentally responsible endeavors. But Peter Thiel, w... READ MORE >
2-Oct-2015 - Oil Surges as Rig Count Falls
Crude prices surged back to a one-week high Friday after the number of working U.S. oil rigs fell to a five-year low. The move gives momentum back to traders who have bet that a historic colla... READ MORE >
2-Oct-2015 - Russia and Saudi Arabia to Continue Pumping Oil
Russia and Saudi Arabia—the world’s two biggest oil producers—indicated Friday they weren’t pulling back from huge crude output levels that have helped send prices tumbl... READ MORE >
4-Oct-2015 - Hurricane Joaquin threatens East Coast energy infrastructure
Although Hurricane Joaquin isn’t expected to make landfall in the U.S., the storm could bring torrential rainfall and flooding along the East Coast, threatening refineries, power plants a... READ MORE >
5-Oct-2015 - Federal court: Intent matters in migratory-bird deaths
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Companies accused of causing migratory bird deaths may be harder to successfully prosecute after a federal appeals court recently ruled that a century-old wildlif... READ MORE >
5-Oct-2015 - Wind farm toll of sea birds is 12 times as bad as feared
Offshore wind turbines could be killing 12 times more gannets than previously thought, experts have warned. A study found the birds are most at risk of being hit when hunting for food.  ... READ MORE >
5-Oct-2015 - The Vatican’s Green Radical
  Diplomatic soft power is the pope’s specialty. Any pope’s. A bishop of Rome commands his own 2,000-year-old social media infrastructure. His word rolls out to 5,100 or so bi... READ MORE >
5-Oct-2015 - Crude up over 2 percent as gasoline jumps, Russia mulls oil talks
Crude oil prices settled up more than 2 percent on Monday, bolstered by a rally in U.S. gasoline and Russia's willingness to meet other major oil producers to discuss the market. Higher stock ... READ MORE >
6-Oct-2015 - Oil Industry Gaining in Push for Repeal of U.S. Ban on Petroleum Exports
After watching the price of oil and the size of their profits plunge, a dozen top executives from some of the nation’s largest oil exploration companies flew to Washington late last winte... READ MORE >
6-Oct-2015 - China could import 100 Bcm/year Russian gas by 2020: CNPC
China could import 100 Bcm of Russian gas, including natural gas and LNG, in 2020, or about one third of the country's total consumption, as it sees Russia as a strategic partner that would hel... READ MORE >
6-Oct-2015 - Japan to restart second reactor on Oct. 15 under post-Fukushima rules
Kyushu Electric Power Co. will restart one of its nuclear reactors on Oct. 15, making it the second to return to operation after the government introduced stricter safety regulations following ... READ MORE >
6-Oct-2015 - California’s huge solar projects causing energy poverty
The solar farms are part of a plan first adopted by executive order by Schwarzenegger and later expanded by current Gov. Jerry Brown. By 2020, California is to produce one-third of its electric... READ MORE >
6-Oct-2015 - Oil Rises on Speculation Producers Getting Together
  Oil prices rose on Tuesday, heading for the first three-day gain in five weeks, on signals that the world's biggest producers of crude may act jointly to support prices, which have halve... READ MORE >
7-Oct-2015 - Energy Department Predicts Lower Winter Fuel Bills
HOUSTON — — After a summer of lower gasoline prices, American consumers will again spend considerably less on energy this winter because of lower oil and natural gas prices and expe... READ MORE >
8-Oct-2015 - Four Ways the Oil Price Crash Is Hurting the Global Economy
Lower oil prices were roundly celebrated as a tailwind for global growth. In theory, the movement of wealth from commodity producers, which often stow away oil revenue in sovereign wealth fund... READ MORE >
8-Oct-2015 - With Veto Threat, Oil Export Effort Runs Out of Gas
Saying lawmakers should instead work to curb the causes of climate change, the White House on Wednesday threatened to veto legislation that would end the nation's 40-year-old ban on exporting c... READ MORE >
8-Oct-2015 - The problem with my $70 oil call: Boone Pickens
After oil prices plummeted, I went on the record saying I thought they'd be back above $70 per barrel by the end of 2015. The year isn't over yet, but my prediction isn't looking good. I th... READ MORE >
9-Oct-2015 - What OPEC's New Romance with Russia Means for Oil Prices
For years, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has courted Russia, though without much success. It's easy to see why the attraction is there; the world's largest country ha... READ MORE >
9-Oct-2015 - Texas Sues Volkswagen and Audi over Deceptive Trade Practices, Environmental Violations
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a lawsuit against Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. and Audi of America, LLC over violations of state consumer protection laws, along with a separa... READ MORE >
9-Oct-2015 - The Feds Go Turbo: A new study shows how Energy rules raise costs for consumers.
Readers are familiar with the Environmental Protection Agency’s aspirations to re-engineer the economy for de minimis reductions in greenhouse gases. But riding sidecar is the Energy Depa... READ MORE >
9-Oct-2015 - Texans celebrate House passage of bill lifting crude oil export ban
WASHINGTON–The House of Representatives passed Friday afternoon a bill lifting the crude oil export ban by a bipartisan 261-159 vote. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La. praised Bar... READ MORE >
10-Oct-2015 - Oil little changed after choppy trade, WTI ends at 11-week high
Oil prices remained little changed in choppy trade on Friday as traders flip-flopped between the negative fundamentals of persistent oversupply and support cushions from a sixth weekly decline ... READ MORE >
12-Oct-2015 - 5 Reasons Oil Prices Are Moving Higher
Oil prices spiked 8 percent last week, with the price of West Texas crude oil climbing close to the $50 a barrel range after having fallen to a six-year low of $38.51 in August, dragged down by... READ MORE >
12-Oct-2015 - Obama stands firm against lifting oil export ban despite potential economic benefits
By threatening to veto a bill greenlighting oil exports, President Obama last week sent a powerful message to Congress and to the American public: The administration is unlikely to sign off on ... READ MORE >
13-Oct-2015 - Russia's Gazprom resumes gas supplies to Ukraine
Moscow (AFP) - Gazprom on Monday resumed gas supplies to Ukraine after receiving prepayment of $234 million from Kiev, assuaging European fears about a new energy crisis ahead of the winter he... READ MORE >
13-Oct-2015 - OPEC to mop up on oil; non-OPEC supply falls
Supply from oil producers outside the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is set to fall further in spite of a rise in global oil demand, the organization said in its monthly report M... READ MORE >
13-Oct-2015 - Sen Cruz takes on Sierra Club about data surrounding Climate Change.
At a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Cruz subjected him to a withering cross examination. Mair was reduced to stammering and frequent awkward pauses which he used to rec... READ MORE >
14-Oct-2015 - U.S. states feeling pain of low oil prices
NEW YORK, Oct. 14 (UPI) -- The low price of crude oil is starting to eat away at the revenue stream for U.S. states that depend heavily on the energy sector, Fitch Ratings said. West Texas Int... READ MORE >
14-Oct-2015 - Why oil is headed to $70 a barrel
Last week, the price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude oil exceeded $50 for the first time since July. In six to 12 months, we believe higher prices should be here to stay. The marke... READ MORE >
15-Oct-2015 - Green Energy Firms Fail With 1,000 Jobs Lost
Green campaigners have accused the Chancellor of driving a "wrecking ball" through the drive for clean energy following the collapse of two companies. It was confirmed that more than 930 jobs h... READ MORE >
15-Oct-2015 - Here's what the VW fraud is really going to cost us
Since Volkswagen’s massive emissions-cheating scheme was revealed last week, there’s been no shortage of appalled reaction. The company’s CEO has already resigned, and there&r... READ MORE >
15-Oct-2015 - Saudi Arabia targets Russia in battle for European oil market
From global majors such as Shell (RDSa.L) and Total (TOTF.PA) to more modest Polish energy firms, oil refiners in Europe are cutting their longstanding use of Russian crude in favour of Saudi g... READ MORE >
18-Oct-2015 - Crisis-hit Venezuela to press for change in Opec's policy
Almost a year ago Rafael Ramirez, Venezuela’s long-serving former oil minister, emerged from a tense meeting of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) looking red fa... READ MORE >
18-Oct-2015 - Low oil and propane prices make it more difficult for gas to expand service areas in New England
New England is getting another break on heating oil prices this winter, with potential savings of hundreds of dollars per customer, providing breathing room for a region with some of the nation... READ MORE >
19-Oct-2015 - Oil falls on Chinese demand concerns, Iran nuclear deal progress
Oil prices fell by more than 2 percent on Monday on concerns over the pace of economic growth in China, the world's largest energy consumer, and indications that a nuclear deal between western ... READ MORE >
19-Oct-2015 - Marco Rubio’s Energy Policy Centers on Drilling and Reversing Obama Rules
SALEM, Ohio — Senator Marco Rubio traveled on Friday to eastern Ohio, with its vast underground natural gas deposits, and laid out an energy policy that would rely on drilling and hydraul... READ MORE >
20-Oct-2015 - U.S. natural gas futures surge 2% on chilly weather forecasts
Investing.com - U.S. natural gas futures extended gains from the prior session on Tuesday, as forecasts for chilly temperatures across key consumption regions of the U.S. boosted demand expecta... READ MORE >
21-Oct-2015 - Japan returns to Nuclear Power, 2nd reactor begins operations
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A nuclear reactor at a plant in southwestern Japan began power generation and transmission on Wednesday, becoming the second reactor in the country to supply power to users und... READ MORE >
21-Oct-2015 - Kerry: Canadian vote won't change Keystone review
A new government coming to power in Canada does not change how the Obama administration is handling the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday. Kerry made th... READ MORE >
21-Oct-2015 - Trump says EPA could be on the chopping block if he is elected to White House
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has indicated he might get rid of the U.S. EPA as part of a move to cut government spending if he is elected to the nation's highest office. I... READ MORE >
21-Oct-2015 - Russia Races Past Saudi Arabia in Tussle for Chinese Oil Market
Russia beat Saudi Arabia to become the biggest seller of crude to China for the second time this year in the race to supply the world’s biggest energy consumer. Asia’s largest eco... READ MORE >
22-Oct-2015 - Oil Prices Rebound From Three-Week Lows
NEW YORK—Oil prices rose Thursday, snapping a three-day streak of losses, as traders looked past near-term signs of oversupply in the market. Prices fell to near three-week lows Wednesday af... READ MORE >
26-Oct-2015 - No, Bernie Sanders, Exxon Did Not Lie About Global Warming
Bernie Sanders is trying tried to divert attention from his bumbling performance in the recent Democratic Party presidential debate by making false and incendiary accusations that Exxon lied ab... READ MORE >
26-Oct-2015 - MASSIVE GLOBAL COOLING process discovered as Paris climate deal looms
As world leaders get ready to head to Paris for the latest pact on cutting CO2 emissions, it has emerged that there isn't as much urgency about the matter as had been thought.  A team of t... READ MORE >
26-Oct-2015 - Another energy rating scandal, Volkswagen style
Couple of weeks ago, Volkswagen admitted it had cheated US tests to make its diesel cars seem more green than they actually were. Later, ZME Science reported companies like Renault, Nissan, Hyu... READ MORE >
27-Oct-2015 - Billions in impairments, spending cuts expected in oil earnings
HOUSTON — A $32 billion operating cash shortfall and persistent low oil prices will probably force big shale drillers to announce billions in oil field impairments and spending cuts in th... READ MORE >
27-Oct-2015 - U.S. plans to sell down strategic oil reserve to raise cash
The U.S. plans to sell millions of barrels of crude oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve from 2018 until 2025 under a budget deal reached on Monday night by the White House and top lawmaker... READ MORE >
27-Oct-2015 - Voters need to evaluate energy policies of candidates
Louis Finkel Policy matters Huge driver for economy 2 Competing visions Pro-growth energy agenda compared to regulatory constraint Pro-growth equals jobs Regulatory constraint equals job loses an... READ MORE >
28-Oct-2015 - Gulf Countries Oppose Venezuela’s Oil-Price Summit Proposal
Persian Gulf countries are opposed to an oil-price summit with heads of state of both members and nonmembers of OPEC, officials familiar with the matter said, dimming the prospects of an gather... READ MORE >
28-Oct-2015 - Pouring oil on troubled waters: 'Surplus until 2017'
As the price of oil continues its decline, economists have warned on a lack of upward price pressures for the commodity for at least another two years. Thomas Pugh economist at Capital Eco... READ MORE >
28-Oct-2015 - Ethanol mandates hurt environment
There are several problems with having Iowa kick off the presidential primary voting. One of the most serious problems is the Renewal Fuel Standard - the ethanol mandate. Because Iowa is full o... READ MORE >
28-Oct-2015 - Ethanol may not be as good as we thought.
In a settlement with the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and the American Petroleum Institute (API), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agreed to set renewabl... READ MORE >
30-Oct-2015 - Oil Companies Have Cut Back Everything Except Crude Production
A year after the bear market in crude began, oil companies have cut workers, are using fewer rigs and have less money to spend. But they’re still pumping more oil. BP Plc, Royal Dutch Sh... READ MORE >
2-Nov-2015 - Oil companies announce Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling successes
On Oct. 29, California-based Chevron Corp. (NYSE: CVX) and other companies announced the successful appraisal of their Anchor discovery in the Lower Tertiary Wilcox Trend. The discovery was an... READ MORE >
2-Nov-2015 - Oil prices down on Russian production gains
NEW YORK, Nov. 2 (UPI) -- An increase in Russian crude oil production and more signs of weakness in the Chinese economy pushed crude oil prices down on the first trading day in November. The pr... READ MORE >
3-Nov-2015 - Federation On The Fall? Will Oil Price Woes Kill Putin's Russia?
Brent crude stayed below the $50 per barrel mark after information out of Russia pointed to the country’s largest oil output in the post-Soviet era. In 1988, two years into its 12th (and... READ MORE >
4-Nov-2015 - Despite gloom, four U.S. shale oil firms lift output views
(Reuters) - A handful of U.S. shale oil producers are pushing up their production forecasts, saying efficiency gains from drilling in prime rock are helping them eke out more crude in the middl... READ MORE >
4-Nov-2015 - UK turns to diesel to meet power supply crunch
Britain is set to grant hundreds of millions of pounds in subsidies to highly polluting diesel generators as a way to help solve the energy supply crunch facing the country over the next 15 yea... READ MORE >
4-Nov-2015 - The Keystone beating shows political risk is a major U.S. problem.
One difference between the developed and developing worlds is honest, transparent government that treats investors fairly. By that standard, the Obama Administration’s handling of the Key... READ MORE >
5-Nov-2015 - NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning ... READ MORE >
6-Nov-2015 - Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by New York Attorney General
According to people with knowledge of the investigation, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued a subpoena Wednesday evening to Exxon Mobil, demanding extensive financial records, emails ... READ MORE >
6-Nov-2015 - Lawmaker Claims NOAA Altered Climate Change Data, Issues Rare Subpoena for Internal Research Docs
A key House chairman and climate change skeptic is extending a months-long clash with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration by issuing an unusual subpoena seeking internal scienti... READ MORE >
6-Nov-2015 - Obama rejects Canada-to-U.S Keystone XL pipeline
U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday rejected the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada in a victory for environmentalists who have campaigned against the project for more than seven y... READ MORE >
9-Nov-2015 - More Oil Companies Could Join Exxon Mobil as Focus of Climate Investigations
HOUSTON — The opening of an investigation of Exxon Mobil by the New York attorney general’s office into the company’s record on climate change may well spur legal inquiries in... READ MORE >
9-Nov-2015 - Britain will miss legally-binding renewable energy target, Energy Secretary admits
Britain will miss a major legally-binding renewable energy target, Amber Rudd, the Energy Secretary, has privately admitted in a letter to other cabinet ministers leaked to the press. In a cand... READ MORE >
10-Nov-2015 - IEA Sees OPEC Market Share Growth in 2020 as Rivals Stagnate
OPEC’s share of the global oil market will expand from 2020 as prices recover to $80 and supply outside the group stagnates due to spending cuts, according to the International Energy Age... READ MORE >
11-Nov-2015 - OPEC Challenges Shale Afresh as Iraq Crude Floods U.S. Market
OPEC’s latest challenge to U.S. shale oil producers would be about two miles long, lined end to end, and weigh almost 3 million metric tons. It’s due to reach American ports this mo... READ MORE >
13-Nov-2015 - Iran Return to Intensify Europe Oil-Price Competition, IEA Says
Oil price competition in Europe is set to intensify when Iranian crude returns to the market after sanctions on its nuclear program are lifted, the International Energy Agency said. Europe will be... READ MORE >
16-Nov-2015 - OPEC Export Price Falls Below $40 for First Time Since 2009
The average price of crude sold by OPEC fell below $40 a barrel for the first time 2009, underscoring the financial cost of the group’s strategy to defend its market share. The daily O... READ MORE >
18-Nov-2015 - Crude Oil Tumbles Under $40 as Record Supply Glut Deepens Slide
Oil dropped below $40 a barrel in New York for the first time since August as producers’ output swelled global inventories to a record. U.S. crude stockpiles climbed to 487.3 million barr... READ MORE >
21-Nov-2015 - Prominent Scientists Declare Climate Claims Ahead of UN Summit ‘Irrational’ – ‘Based On Nonsense’ –
AUSTIN, Texas – A team of prominent scientists gathered in Texas today at a climate summit to declare that fears of man-made global warming were “irrational” and “based ... READ MORE >
2-Dec-2015 - World's Top Oil Traders Don't Expect a Recovery Any Time Soon
The world’s largest independent oil traders said supplies will overwhelm demand into next year and prices may not rally until 2017, painting a gloomy outlook for energy-rich nations as OP... READ MORE >
3-Dec-2015 - OPEC States Push for Output Cuts in Face of Saudi Opposition
Cash-strapped OPEC nations from Venezuela to Iran are piling pressure on Saudi Arabia to reduce oil output, yet the group’s biggest producer remains opposed to a cut unless countries outs... READ MORE >
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House has approved a sweeping bill to boost U.S. energy production, lift a four-decade ban on crude oil exports and modernize the aging electric grid. The vote was 249-17... READ MORE >
8-Dec-2015 - Climate change: Global carbon dioxide emissions stall for second year in a row
Global emissions of carbon dioxide this year have stalled for the second year in a row, but scientists have warned that this does not mean the world has reached “peak carbon” with g... READ MORE >
8-Dec-2015 - New Report Details Why China Doesn't Move on CO2 Reductions any time soon.
In an attempt to induce China to join global efforts to curtail carbon at the up- coming UN conference in Paris in December, President Obama and others argue that China’s abysmal air qual... READ MORE >
LE BOURGET, France (AP) -- If international climate talks really stall, don't be surprised if there might be an ever-so-slight intervention by Pope Francis. Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of... READ MORE >
14-Dec-2015 - Crude Falls Below $35 per Barrel in New York for First Time Since 2009
Oil fell below $35 a barrel in New York for the first time since 2009 as Iran reiterated its pledge to boost crude exports, bolstering speculation OPEC members will exacerbate the global oversu... READ MORE >
23-Dec-2015 - Judicial Watch Sues for Documents Withheld From Congress in New Climate Data Scandal
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a lawsuit on December 2, 2015, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking records of communications fr... READ MORE >
23-Dec-2015 - Oil exports prompt splitter decisions in Corpus Christi
The lifting of a decades-old ban on crude oil exports primes Corpus Christi to become a key oil hub in the coming years, but it also dampens interest in expensive projects to export condensate,... READ MORE >
31-Dec-2015 - Iran is about to start selling oil that may cost just $1 a barrel
A year ago, when Anatole Kaletsky suggested that the price of oil might fall to $20 a barrel, most people laughed. The global economy was growing! Demand was picking up! Oil had been at $100 on... READ MORE >
31-Dec-2015 - Shale's Running Out of Survival Tricks as OPEC Ramps Up Pressure
In 2015, the fracking outfits that dot America’s oil-rich plains threw everything they had at $50-a-barrel crude. To cope with the 50 percent price plunge, they laid off thousands of roug... READ MORE >
31-Dec-2015 - NuStar, ConocoPhillips start oil exports from Corpus Christ
Today, though, NuStar Energy and ConocoPhillips announced they are loading an export cargo of Eagle Ford light crude oil/condensate that is expected to complete loading at NuStar's North Beach ... READ MORE >
4-Jan-2016 - Oil Prices Volatile as Investors Gauge Dispute Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
LONDON — Oil prices rose sharply on Monday before reversing course amid a growing sectarian conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The friction between the Iranian and Saudi leaderships... READ MORE >
5-Jan-2016 - This Time Mideast Tensions Are Bad News for Oil
At almost any other time, an escalating diplomatic conflict between OPEC members Iran and Saudi Arabia would mean a spike in oil prices. That the rally this time couldn’t be sustained sho... READ MORE >
6-Jan-2016 - The Switch Hackers caused a blackout for the first time, researchers say
Hackers caused a power outage in Ukraine during holiday season, researchers say, signalling a potentially troubling new escalation in digital attacks. "This is the first incident we know of w... READ MORE >
6-Jan-2016 - Satellite Data Shows 2015 Wasn’t Even Close To Being The Hottest Year On Record
Satellite temperature data measuring Earth’s lower atmosphere shows that 2015 only ranks as the third-warmest year on record, and not the warmest year as predicted by scientists relying ... READ MORE >
7-Jan-2016 - TransCanada to sue over KXL decision
CALGARY, Alberta, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- TransCanada said it filed legal action against the United States for the rejection of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, arguing it was protecting its investments.... READ MORE >
7-Jan-2016 - Alaska's chilling regulatory climate
Late last year a second major oil company was forced to abandon plans to drill in the Arctic Ocean off the coast of Alaska – and irresponsible, high-fiving anti-development activists, mo... READ MORE >
7-Jan-2016 - Oil options lurch closer to $20 Goldman doomsday forecast
When U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs said last year that oil could fall as low as $20 per barrel, it assigned a fairly low probability to that scenario. Fast-forward five months and in som... READ MORE >
8-Jan-2016 - Oil Prices: What’s Behind the Drop? Simple Economics
The oil industry, with its history of booms and busts, is in its deepest downturn since the 1990s, if not earlier. Earnings are down for companies that have made record profits in recent year... READ MORE >
10-Jan-2016 - Cheap oil drives changes in Auto industry
For more than a year, low gasoline prices have been adding extra froth to the nation's steadily rising auto sales. Dealers and automakers have enjoyed a surge in sales of high-margin pickups ... READ MORE >
11-Jan-2016 - The Odd Consequences of the Oil Price Crash
In the middle of 2014, oil traded for more than $100 a barrel. Today, it is below $35. Traditionally, there would be numerous positives from low oil prices, but many of these have yet to mater... READ MORE >
12-Jan-2016 - OPEC considering emergency action on oil prices
OPEC may have had enough. Nigeria's top oil official and OPEC President Emmanuel Kachikwu said the cartel is considering an emergency meeting, perhaps as soon as next month. At issue is wheth... READ MORE >
12-Jan-2016 - Low oil prices will not go on much longer: IEA head Birol
Low oil prices will not go on for a long period of time, according to International Energy Agency director Fatih Birol, who said he would expect oil prices to start rising 2017 under normal ec... READ MORE >
13-Jan-2016 - Oil could crash to $10 a barrel, warn investment bank bears
Oil prices have crashed to below $30-a-barrel amid warnings the rout could reach as low as $10 and bring down petrol prices to levels last seen in 2009. Standard Chartered became the latest ... READ MORE >
13-Jan-2016 - The Implications of Saudi Aramco’s IPO. Oil Market Disruption or Mirage?
Introduction The unexpected seems to be the norm in the Middle East’s unstable constellation in early 2016. Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil company and financial guarantor o... READ MORE >
14-Jan-2016 - War Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Could Send Oil Prices To $250
The rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran has quickly ballooned into the worst conflict in decades between the two countries. The back-and-forth escalation quickly turned the simmering tension i... READ MORE >
14-Jan-2016 - Oil prices hit by Iran supply, China slowdown but $10 a barrel unlikely, says IHS's Yergin
It's not just fundamentals; oil prices are being slammed by a severe erosion in market confidence caused by the fragile global environment, according to a top commentator on energy and geopol... READ MORE >
15-Jan-2016 - WCU: From bad to worse as Iran crushes crude
What is certain, however, is that an overhang of already-produced and now stored supplies in Iran will be looking for a home as soon sanctions are lifted. Mapping surveys from Reuters indicati... READ MORE >
15-Jan-2016 - Stocks Nosedive as Global Oil Prices Plunge
After two days of gains in the oil patch, global crude prices resumed their downward trend, falling below the psychologically-significant $30 a barrel. West Texas Intermediate crude prices dip... READ MORE >
17-Jan-2016 - Oil shipped abroad to bring higher (or lower) prices at home?
Beginning this month, the world's largest economy is doing something it hasn't done in 40 years: shipping supplies of U.S. crude oil to international markets. So will globally traded domestic ... READ MORE >
18-Jan-2016 - Big banks brace for oil loans to implode
Big banks are cringing as crude oil is crumbling. Firms on Wall Street helped bankroll America's energy boom, financing very expensive drilling projects that ended up flooding the world with o... READ MORE >
18-Jan-2016 - Iran's floating oil stockpile for sale at worst time for market
Iran has been carefully planning for its return from the economic penalty box by hoarding tons of oil in tankers at sea.  Now that the U.S. and European Union have lifted some sanctions o... READ MORE >
20-Jan-2016 - In Private Davos Meeting, Oil Chiefs Push Plan to Reduce Costs
The world’s largest oil companies, grappling with lowest crude prices in 12 years, met behind closed doors at Davos in a push to cut costs by standardizing some of the equipment used in ... READ MORE >
20-Jan-2016 - Dan Yergin's panel from Davos
21-Jan-2016 - Natural gas likely overtook coal as top U.S. power source in 2015
Last year looks like it was an unwelcome watershed for the embattled U.S. coal industry. Power companies in 2015 for the first time may have burned more natural gas than coal to generate elec... READ MORE >
23-Jan-2016 - This Time, Cheaper Oil Does Little for the U.S. Economy
WASHINGTON — It has been a truism of the American economy for decades: When oil prices rise, the economy suffers; when they fall, growth improves. But the decline of oil prices over the... READ MORE >
27-Jan-2016 - 'Israel's electrical grid attacked in massive cyber attack'
As Israelis cranked up their heaters during the current cold snap, the Public Utility Authority was attacked by one of the largest cyber assaults that the country has experienced, Minister of ... READ MORE >
27-Jan-2016 - Georgia Electric Car Sales Drop ~90% In ~6 Months
How far have we come since the 2006 documentary Who Killed The Electric Car, an astute film nominated for Best Documentary Environmental Media Awards (2006) and many other awards? The film won... READ MORE >
28-Jan-2016 - BlackRock's Fink Says 400 Energy Firms May Not Survive Cheap Oil
Laurence D. Fink, chairman of BlackRock Inc., the world’s largest money manager, said as many as 400 energy companies may not survive because oil prices are not high enough for them to m... READ MORE >
28-Jan-2016 - Oil prices soar on production rumors, U.S. labor
  NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- Strong U.S. labor figures and potential cooperation between Russia and some OPEC members pushed crude prices well into the black in early Thursday trading. T... READ MORE >
28-Jan-2016 - Who Owns the Sun? Buffet vs. Musk of Tesla
First, NV Energy deployed its lobbyists to limit the total amount of energy homeowners and small businesses were allowed to generate to 3 percent of peak capacity for all utilities. Then it ex... READ MORE >
29-Jan-2016 - Oil pares gains as Russia says no meeting with OPEC scheduled
MOSCOW, Russia (Bloomberg) -- Oil pared gains near a three-week high as Russia said that although it’s prepared to discuss output with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, ... READ MORE >
3-Feb-2016 - Oil Prices Could Jump 50% by the End of 2016
Oil bulls distressed that last week’s rally fizzled can find some comfort in forecasts for a bigger and longer rebound by the end of the year. Analysts are projecting prices will climb ... READ MORE >
5-Feb-2016 - Why America Is The World's True Energy Superpower
In my previous article, I addressed the notion that Denmark is leading the U.S. in wind power. As I pointed out, in 2014 the U.S. produced 183.6 Terawatt-hours (TWh) of wind power, which was t... READ MORE >
8-Feb-2016 - World's Largest Energy Trader Sees a Decade of Low Oil Prices
Oil prices will stay low for as long as 10 years as Chinese economic growth slows and the U.S. shale industry acts as a cap on any rally, according to the world’s largest independent oil... READ MORE >
9-Feb-2016 - ADM considers calling time on ethanol mills as oil fall bites
Exactly 10 years ago, Archer Daniels Midland announced the first of two new corn mills that would cement the agribusiness company’s status as America’s top ethanol producer. &ldq... READ MORE >
10-Feb-2016 - Supreme Court blocks Obama carbon emissions plan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday delivered a major blow to President Barack Obama by blocking federal regulations to curb carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, th... READ MORE >
10-Feb-2016 - 99 Cent Gas May Be on Its Way
The International Energy Agency (IEA) February oil market report will put more downward pressure on crude prices just as the price of gasoline in some parts of the United States dips to above ... READ MORE >
11-Feb-2016 - BP: Here’s the upside for oil producers
U.S. shale oil production will double over the next 20 years as drillers that became more efficient amid a slump in oil prices unlock new resources, British energy giant BP said on Wednesday. ... READ MORE >
15-Feb-2016 - Oil extends rally on prospects OPEC could act to counter low prices
Oil rose on Monday, extending a rally triggered last week by speculation that OPEC might agree to cut production to reduce a supply glut that has pushed prices to the lowest in over a decade. ... READ MORE >
15-Feb-2016 - U.S., Canada and Mexico sign clean energy pact
OTTAWA —Canada, Mexico and the United States signed a draft agreement Friday to curb greenhouse gas emissions while increasing their energy interdependence. The deal will see the three ... READ MORE >
16-Feb-2016 - Saudi Arabia, Russia to Freeze Oil Output Near Record Levels
Saudi Arabia and Russia agreed to freeze oil output at near-record levels, the first coordinated move by the world’s two largest producers to counter a slump that has pummeled economies,... READ MORE >
16-Feb-2016 - Saudis and Russia agree oil output freeze, Iran still an obstacle
Oil prices LCOc1 jumped to $35.55 per barrel after the news about the secret meeting but later pared gains to trade near $33 on concerns that Iran may reject the deal and that even if Tehran a... READ MORE >
16-Feb-2016 - Scalia's death boosts legal chances for Obama's climate plan
A vote to block the Obama administration's ambitious climate regulation was one of Antonin Scalia's last acts as a Supreme Court justice. His sudden death may have opened a new path to the rul... READ MORE >
10-Mar-2016 - Competing goals make Saudi oil policy hard to predict
When Saudi Arabia last month announced with Russia and other big oil producers a conditional agreement to freeze production at current levels in the face of rock bottom prices, the decision wa... READ MORE >
13-Mar-2016 - Republicans blast new Interior fracking safety rules as unnecessary job-killers
The Obama administration’s unveiling Friday of federal regulations aimed at ensuring the safety of hydraulic fracturing ignited a furious eruption from the industry and Republicans, who ... READ MORE >
15-Mar-2016 - Obama Reverses Course on Drilling Off Southeast Coast
The Obama administration is expected to withdraw its plan to permit oil and gas drilling off the southeast Atlantic coast, yielding to an outpouring of opposition from coastal communities from... READ MORE >
17-Mar-2016 - The world’s carbon-dioxide emissions have stabilised
IT COULD be a rare piece of good news in the battle against global warming. The International Energy Agency (IEA), the world’s most prominent energy forecaster, said on March 16th that c... READ MORE >
18-Mar-2016 - Oil Prices Fluctuate After Brisk Rally
LONDON—Oil prices were switching between gains and losses on Friday, pausing after a brisk rally that vaulted major crude benchmarks back above $40 a barrel. Brent crude, the global oil... READ MORE >
18-Mar-2016 - Oil prices hit 2016 high on output-freeze hopes
Oil prices have surged more than 50 per cent from 12-year lows since the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) floated the idea of a production freeze, boosting Brent from a... READ MORE >
18-Mar-2016 - US solar system prices fell 17% in 2015, finds GTM
A newly published report by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) titled U.S. Solar Market Insight 2015 Year in Review has revealed that solar system costs fell by 17... READ MORE >
18-Mar-2016 - Five Years After Fukushima, Japan’s Nuclear Power Debate Is Heating Up
Last Thursday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe threw his weight behind the redevelopment of his nation’s nuclear energy plants. It was a bold stance, made bolder because he voiced it ... READ MORE >
21-Mar-2016 - The U.S. Is Exporting Its Oil Everywhere
Three months since the U.S. lifted a 40-year ban on oil exports, American crude is flowing to virtually every corner of the market and reshaping the world’s energy map. Overseas sales, ... READ MORE >
21-Mar-2016 - EV Sales Rose Significantly Worldwide In 2015
According to EV Volumes, an EV sales database and consultancy now partnering with EV Obsession and CleanTechnica, EV sales in 2015 surpassed half a million vehicles. That includes electric car... READ MORE >
21-Mar-2016 - Video reveals giant reactor with magnets the size of a 747
It is being hailed as the 'holy grail' of energy - a device that could realise the dream of create limitless supplies of power.  The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter... READ MORE >
28-Mar-2016 - Credit Suisse: The Death of Oil Demand has been Greatly Exaggerated
Even as U.S. oil production started to slide in the second half of 2015, the downside risks to oil prices continued to dominate. In the third quarter, broad-based manufacturing softness and fi... READ MORE >
28-Mar-2016 - Facing Grid Contraints, China Puts a Chill on New Wind Energy Projects
HONG KONG—The Chinese government has halted the expansion of wind power in its northern provinces where a large number of turbines are churning out power that's being wasted. The move un... READ MORE >
30-Mar-2016 - Al Gore and Eric Schneiderman Hail ‘Best, Most Hopeful Step’ Against Climate Change
Former Vice President Al Gore today lauded what he called “the best, most hopeful step” in years to contain global warming: 16 state prosecutors joining New York Attorney General ... READ MORE >
1-Apr-2016 - Crude Oil Sinks on Saudi Hesitance to Curb Production
LONDON—Oil prices tumbled on Friday after reports that Saudi Arabia might not curb its output unless other major producers join the efforts to stem the global oversupply. Brent crude, t... READ MORE >
3-Apr-2016 - World's largest renewable energy developer on verge of bankruptcy
The world's largest renewable energy developer, SunEdison, may be on the verge of filing for bankruptcy protection after it was revealed that it is reportedly being investigated for overstatin... READ MORE >
4-Apr-2016 - 16 of the nation’s Democratic attorneys general announced they are going after those questioning “co
It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians. Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrativ... READ MORE >
8-Apr-2016 - U.S. oil boom not slowing enough to solve epic glut
The American oil boom is proving far harder to kill than OPEC expected. Even though OPEC has been drowning the world in oil, the U.S. pumped a near-record 9.18 million barrels per day in Jan... READ MORE >
27-Apr-2016 - Oil swings to 2016 highs
Crude oil prices hit 2016 highs on Tuesday on the back of a rally in the gasoline market and after an industry group reported a surprise draw in US crude stockpiles. Brent and US crude's West... READ MORE >
2-May-2016 - Halliburton and Baker Hughes Call Off $35 Billion Merger
For a year and a half, Halliburton and Baker Hughes, two big oil field services companies, had been focused on their $35 billion merger. That distraction, even as commodity prices deteriorated... READ MORE >
1-Jun-2016 - Does Donald Trump's plan to drill more oil make sense?
Donald Trump wants to help the slumping oil and gas industry by cutting regulation and encouraging a lot more drilling. He even promised to "save" the coal industry. Trump laid out his vision... READ MORE >
1-Jun-2016 - OPEC states that wanted production cuts buckle under the new oil order
Saudi Arabia engineered OPEC's policy to kill off U.S. shale oil production. The plan was straightforward: Keep pumping oil, maintain market share and outlast the Americans. But the plan is a... READ MORE >
2-Jun-2016 - LNG for transportation predicted to 'absorb' some of global glut
Demand for LNG as a transportation fuel could help relieve the global supply glut, a group of energy experts said. The Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. LLC analysts expect transportation demand... READ MORE >
3-Jun-2016 - Trump Makes Sense on Energy
Political markets are weird: They cry out for something and yet politicians, with their enslavement to conventional wisdom and careerist caution, are unwilling to supply it. Then along comes ... READ MORE >
17-Jun-2016 - Cyberattacks, extreme weather—the energy market faces some big threats
More attacks on power supplies? Attacks on major utility companies and power networks are an increasing concern for governments and corporations.  Hundreds of thousands of homes in Ukrai... READ MORE >
17-Jun-2016 - GOP AGs warn Dems that if climate skeptics can be prosecuted for ‘fraud,’ so can alarmists
If Democratic attorneys general can pursue climate change skeptics for fraud, then also at risk of prosecution are climate alarmists whose predictions of global doom have failed to materialize... READ MORE >
20-Jun-2016 - Natural gas surpasses coal as power source for 1st time, BP report says
U.S. power plants burned more natural gas than coal for the first time last year, one factor that kept global CO2 emissions the lowest in years, a key oil company economist said Thursday. &ld... READ MORE >
20-Jun-2016 - Do Today's Low Oil Prices Presage Another Spike?
Reduced capital investment and cancelled or postponed oil projects, combined with record-low drilling rig activity in the U.S. has many worried that renewed market tightness is inevitable, if ... READ MORE >
22-Jun-2016 - Saudi energy minister says oil glut has vanished
Saudi Arabia's new energy minister said the supply glut that kindled crippling oil rout around the world and thrashed Houston's biggest business for two years has finally vanished. "We are out... READ MORE >
27-Jun-2016 - Putin signs energy deals with China
Russia’s president Vladimir Putin is on a state visit to China to sign a series of energy deals. After inspecting an honour guard and receiving a 21 gun salute in Tianenmen square Putin ... READ MORE >
28-Jun-2016 - Brexit: If Scotland leaves the UK, what’ll happen to North Sea oil?
The oil and gas industry is set for fresh uncertainty following last week's U.K. referendum on membership of the European Union, as Scottish politicians call for another independence referendu... READ MORE >
28-Jun-2016 - Oil prices rebound in post-Brexit bargain hunting
Oil prices topped $48 a barrel on Tuesday as investors took advantage of a two-day slide in crude triggered by Britain's vote to leave the European Union. The vote's impact on oil, despite se... READ MORE >
30-Jun-2016 - Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics
Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who di... READ MORE >
30-Jun-2016 - The sun has gone blank twice this month. This is what it means
YOU may not have noticed but our sun has gone as blank as a cue ball. As in, it’s lost its spots. According to scientists, this unsettling phenomenon is a sign we are heading for a mini... READ MORE >
6-Jul-2016 - Paper: OPEC worked to derail U.S. shale
OSLO, Norway, July 1 (UPI) -- Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries altered their behavior to limit the role of U.S. shale oil producers, a Norwegian paper found. "Ther... READ MORE >
8-Jul-2016 - The Climate Police Crack-Up
Free-speech advocates have reason to cheer as two state attorneys general have walked back their subpoenas against Exxon Mobil Corp., tacitly admitting that their climate-change harassment lac... READ MORE >
12-Jul-2016 - OPEC Paid A Steep Price For 2% Market Share
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, known to most people as simply OPEC, has been widely unpopular in the U.S. since the 1970′s. In October 1973, in retaliation for th... READ MORE >
13-Jul-2016 - IEA Sees Record Middle East Oil Supply as U.S. Output Slumps
Oil production from the Middle East has climbed to a record while U.S. output slumps, the International Energy Agency said, in a sign that OPEC’s strategy of defending market share is su... READ MORE >
13-Jul-2016 - Grid Attack | How America Could Go Dark
An early morning passerby phoned in a report of two people with flashlights prowling inside the fence of an electrical substation in Bakersfield, Calif. Utility workers from Pacific Gas & ... READ MORE >
14-Jul-2016 - Science exonerates fracking yet again
Hydraulic fracturing isn’t polluting wells in northeastern Colorado with methane — an important scientific conclusion at a time when voters may be asked to consider banning the pra... READ MORE >
14-Jul-2016 - World Energy Cool Down - Consumption Continues to Decline
Signs continue to point to a dramatic shift in the workings of human civilization as we pivot towards a less energy intensive future. Energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product &nd... READ MORE >
20-Jul-2016 - U.S. crude hits two-month low ahead of U.S. inventory data
  U.S. crude oil futures hit 2-month lows on Wednesday on technical selling pressure and liquidation by investors fearing a supply glut despite impending government crude inventory data l... READ MORE >
21-Jul-2016 - The Future of Big Oil? At Shell, It’s Not Oil
At Australia’s Curtis Island, you can see Big Oil morphing into Big Gas. Just off the continent’s rugged northeastern coast lies a 667-acre liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal own... READ MORE >
22-Jul-2016 - Energy does make it to the Convention Floor of the GOP
CLEVELAND— Harold Hamm, CEO of Oklahoma City-based Con­tinental Resources, told GOP convention delegates Donald Trump would ground the high-flying U.S. Energy Department if he is elected... READ MORE >
26-Jul-2016 - Democratic platform calls for Carbon Tax.
The 2016 Democratic Party platform endorses a carbon tax on the American people. The carbon tax language, added at the last minute, states: “Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, metha... READ MORE >
27-Jul-2016 - Hillary Clinton's climate change plan 'just plain silly', says leading expert
Hillary Clinton’s pledge on Sunday to support renewable energy and boost subsidies for solar panels was set up as a great unveiling – the Democratic frontrunner’s first publi... READ MORE >
1-Aug-2016 - Texas shale oil has fought Saudi Arabia to a standstill
Opec's worst fears are coming true. Twenty months after Saudi Arabia took the fateful decision to flood world markets with oil, it has still failed to break the back of the US shale industry. ... READ MORE >
30-Aug-2016 - Obama evading Senate on Paris climate deal, remember that pen and phone
The White House on Monday defended President Obama’s decision to enter into the Paris climate accord without Senate ratification but stopped short of confirming a Chinese report that he ... READ MORE >
30-Aug-2016 - Iraq Pledges to Support an OPEC Freeze Deal, Shifting Its Stance
Iraq would support a proposal for OPEC and other major oil producers to freeze output at talks in Algeria next month, Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi said in Baghdad. The endorsement marks a s... READ MORE >
18-Oct-2016 - Can Trump’s energy promises come true?
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — In the most recent presidential debate, Republican Donald Trump said he would bring America’s energy market all the way back. “We are killing, absolutely kill... READ MORE >
18-Oct-2016 - Hillary Clinton could run on strongest climate change platform ever
Hillary Clinton could campaign much more aggressively against climate change than any US presidential candidate before her, under a draft platform adopted by Democratic party leaders. The lead... READ MORE >
18-Oct-2016 - Court rules against EPA in case over coal job losses
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not properly estimated the potential job losses in the coal and other industries affected by its regulations, a federal judge ruled Monday. Judge... READ MORE >
21-Oct-2016 - World Bank Raises 2017 Oil Price Forecast
WASHINGTON, October 20, 2016— The World Bank is raising its 2017 forecast for crude oil prices to $55 per barrel from $53 per barrel as members of the Organization of the Petroleum Expor... READ MORE >
24-Oct-2016 - Oil Prices Weighed as Iraq Signals Doubts Over OPEC Cu
Oil prices were nearly flat Monday amid doubts over OPEC’s proposed output cut, after Iraq signaled it wants to be excluded from the pact. Brent crude, the global oil benchmark, rose 0.... READ MORE >
24-Oct-2016 - Top University Stole Millions From Taxpayers By Faking Global Warming Research
A global warming research center at the London School of Economics got millions of dollars from UK taxpayers by taking credit for research it didn’t perform, an investigation by The Dail... READ MORE >
25-Oct-2016 - Saudi Arabia Hosts Foreign Leaders To Discuss Hike In Oil Prices
On Sunday, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, traveled to Saudi Arabia. There he met with both the Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Nayef, and the oil minister, Khalid al-Falih, to discuss oil p... READ MORE >
1-Nov-2016 - America’s Energy Revolution Hits a Historic Milepost
The U.S. passed another historic marker in its energy revolution this year. In February, U.S. transportation emitted more carbon dioxide than the fossil-fuel-heavy power sector for the first time s... READ MORE >
6-Dec-2016 - OPEC Seeks Cuts From Nations Pumping a Fifth of Oil
OPEC has invited 14 other crude producers, who together pump about a fifth of the world’s oil, to talks this week in Vienna aimed at securing wider cooperation with production cuts. Russia... READ MORE >
8-Dec-2016 - Electric Vehicles Expected to Account for 15 to 35 Percent of World’s Vehicle Sales in 2040
IHS Markit: Electric Vehicles Expected to Account for 15 to 35 Percent of World’s Vehicle Sales in 2040; One of Several Converging Factors that Could Bring About Greatest Transformation Since... READ MORE >