Marco Rubio’s Energy Policy Centers on Drilling and Reversing Obama Rules
SALEM, Ohio — Senator Marco Rubio traveled on Friday to eastern Ohio, with its vast underground natural gas deposits, and laid out an energy policy that would rely on drilling and hydraulic fracturing and roll back many of the most aggressive components of President Obama’s environmental agenda.
Mr. Rubio said he would immediately allow construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline to go forward, which Mr. Obama has yet to commit to. Mr. Rubio would also permit more offshore oil and gas drilling, which the president has already expanded, and effectively nullify an international climate change accord the administration is pursuing.
And he vowed to reverse Environmental Protection Agency regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, to allow the extraction of gas buried deep in the ground near places like Salem.
And he vowed to reverse Environmental Protection Agency regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, to allow the extraction of gas buried deep in the ground near places like Salem.
Taking issue with what he described as a Democratic “fear campaign” against fracking, he said that the hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of natural gas and oil underneath the ground “are doing the people of Ohio no good pent-up in shale rock.” (by JEREMY W. PETERS and CORAL DAVENPORT, New York Times)