Can Trump’s energy promises come true?
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — In the most recent presidential debate, Republican Donald Trump said he would bring America’s energy market all the way back.
“We are killing, absolutely killing, our energy business in this country,” Trump said.
He expressed his support for all forms of energy, particularly coal and natural gas.
“We have found over the last seven years, we have found tremendous wealth right under our feet. So good,” he said.
West Virginians are expected to vote in large numbers for Trump, largely because of his promises to loosen federal regulation on fossil fuels. West Virginians hope for a resurgence of coal and continued strength of natural gas.
The complication could be that those two forms of energy — both vital to West Virginia’s economics — are competitors in the marketplace.
The complication could be that those two forms of energy — both vital to West Virginia’s economics — are competitors in the marketplace.