The global warming hiatus re-examined, Sat Data & Buoys vs. Dr. Thomas Carl
PHOENIX, Aug. 18, 2015 — A re-analysis of global ocean surface temperatures in a paper published in Science, America’s most prestigious science journal, raises global temperatures after 2004. It fundamentally alters the climate change debate.
Its results and methods have quickly been incorporated into every major surface-based global temperature database, just in time to influence the Paris climate summit in December.
The paper, “Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus,” formally published on June 26, is first authored by Dr. Thomas Karl, director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (formerly the National Climate Data Center).
Why is this one paper so important? Why is the recalibration of ocean surface temperatures questioned?
Since 2005, skeptics have pointed out that the rate of increase in global temperatures since 1997 has dropped to near zero, even though human CO2 emissions have risen fully 25 percent and are at their highest levels ever. Skeptics dubbed the slowdown “the pause.” (by Steve Davidson, CDN)