Sen Cruz takes on Sierra Club about data surrounding Climate Change.
At a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Cruz subjected him to a withering cross examination. Mair was reduced to stammering and frequent awkward pauses which he used to receive whispered advice from staff. He repeatedly referred to the discredited “97 percent of scientists concur” claim, and was unwilling to acknowledge valid scientific data that disproves the claim.
Mark Steyn, sitting in for Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday, called Cruz’s relentless questioning of Mair “a thing of beauty.”Ten different times in his testimony, Mair claimed that “97 percent of the scientists concur and agree that there is global warming.”
“The problem with that particular statistic, which gets cited a lot,” Cruz rebutted, “is it’s based on one bogus study.”
The day began contentiously and Mair proved completely unprepared for the piercing questions posed by Cruz.