Power woes for Long Island...Still.
There is a battle underway on Long Island over the future of its power generation. And like most conflicts over the island’s energy policy, it has a long and tortuous history.
PSEG Long Island, a subsidiary of New Jersey’s largest utility, PSE&G, is the new grid operator in town. The Long Island Power Authority contracted with the Jersey-based utility to professionalize the island’s much-maligned power industry after years of mismanagement and a disastrous performance in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
But when utility officials announced last year that they were putting an indefinite hold on construction of new power plants, a local posse of energy companies, state elected officials and local leaders declared war, saying PSEG was lining its own pockets while threatening the reliability of the island’s grid.
PSEG scoffed, reminding Long Island ratepayers of the perils of throwing money at power generation that may not be needed, harking back to the infamous debacle of the Shoreham nuclear plant, which was built but never opened. (Capital New York)